every life has love.

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Shamir looked at his sister and then at me. He looked tired. His rich mahogany skin looked pale. His onyx eyes had bags under them and were sunken in a little.

My poor great uncle had paid a high price. He had lost everything. I had just found my family and I'd do almost anything to keep them from harm.

I remember Kali telling me about the sorceress that was to marry my uncle. She had heard of his plight and had been trying to find a way to save him. This sorceress had never married, wanting no one but her betrothed.

She would often visit Shamir, telling him about the world outside his painting. Kali had said that she tried to bring him out of his painting, but every time she tried, Shamir almost died. So she decided to try and find away for her to join him.

I needed a break. This was starting to get to me. I swam to the palace gardens. I had been here for almost three months. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. With the exception of all I had been through, I wanted my family to be whole again.

I lay on the ocean floor, surprised as little red fish swam by me. Some of us can talk to the sea creatures like fish and dolphins. This little fish was trying to tell me something. I watched as it swam to a part of the garden I hadn't noticed in the time i'd been here.

The little fish looked around to see if I had followed. Once it saw me, it got closer to me. It swam to my ear and began to speak in a small voice.

"I know what happened to Shamir. I saw the fight between him and Duncan. Duncan was destroyed but Shamir split in two. I know his sister saved him by putting into a painting, but I have found the other part of him. " said the little fish.

"Why tell me? I could be evil or not what I appear, just like you." I said to the fish.

I swear it smiled at me.

"Good girl, never trust what you see. " it said as it disappeared. I didn't like the feeling I got from that fish. So I hurried back to my aunt. I told her about the little red fish and she gave me a look.

"So it disappeared after telling you Duncan was destroyed and Shamir was split in half? My dear girl, no one knew about the fight. Shamir said there were no witnesses so how would a fish know he was split ?" asked Kali.

We were about to ask Shamir, when his betrothed swam in. She looked happy. Her indigo hair swirled around her as she happily swam to us.

"My uncle and my father and I have spent all morning on this. My father believes that love can save Shamir. True love is very strong and it can save. I believe that Shamir is my true love. We came up with a potion that will allow me to go into the painting. Once there, I will give Shamir the kiss of true love. This kiss should allow him to come back into this world. We can finally be together ." she said.

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