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Keanu had swam down to his lab and was in the middle of finding the vial when Kali swam in.
She bowed and spoke.
" One of your daughters has come back to us. Do you have what you need to meet her?" She asked.

"I had everything I need except one thing. The billy weed is very low. I need at least one more and that will get me back to my old self. I had a vial all ready to drink but I can't find it. You haven't seen it around here have you? Those fish don't always listen when I say don't touch." said Keanu as he swam to the other side of the room.

Keanu swam over to his seat near a window made of sapphire blue diamonds. There, on the seat was a small black vial. He didn't want to meet his daughter looking like a creature from a sixties horror movie.

There was one mirror in the room. Even though he hated it, he had decided that this mirror would help him keep his merman hood. Once again he swam to the mirror and watched the reflection in it. There stood a fish man. He was all blue with sea green stripes up and down his body. His face was more fish than human. He had big black round eyes, a small protrusion for a nose and a mouth full of sharp silver teeth.

Before his children were sent away, he was your everyday type of handsome merman. His tail was a marvelous sea green and blue. His skin was a warm peanut butter brown. His hair was wavy and raven black. Ade often told him that his tail matched his eyes, but that wasn't why she married him.

Keanu looked at the mirror once more then he drank the potion in the vial. Suddenly he felt lightheaded and colors begun to swirl around him. A blue light enveloped his body, as it lifted him off the floor. His legs fused back together, the claws on his hands shrank down to normal fingernails.

When everything stopped he was back to normal. Kali sat near the door waiting for him. She smiled brightly when she saw him.

"It is good to see you in your normal form. Do you think this will hold? " she asked as they swam up towards the door.

"I really hope so. If this new one is truly our youngest daughter, my new change will be permanent. I can feel her, Kali. I am so sure its her." said Keanu.

"You know that your other daughters still have yet to be found. I believe this is one and she is equally excited about meeting you. There is one thing , Ade hasn't told her about you just yet. I will swim ahead to let them know you are waiting for them in the meeting room." said Kali as she swam off.

Keanu watched her as she sped off. He knew that his change hadn't been tolerated well by the people of his kingdom. He never imagined his wife being reluctant to even talk about him. Was he really that bad?

He had hunkered down in his lab trying to perfect the formula to change him back to normal.

There were rumors of other merfolk that had reverted back like he did. He wanted to know if this was the thing that had been seen lurking around Greenwood Park. If so then it might be one of his subjects, he had to know.

Ade, Kali and I sat in a large room, the walls were white and throughout were rubies and emeralds. There was a long silver table in the middle. It was set up with a silver teapot and matching cups. The aroma coming from it was a little hard to catch, being underwater, somethings were difficult.

We waited for a little while, just admiring the room's decor. It reminded me of a fairy tale ballroom for some forgotten princess, until I realized I was the forgotten princess.

"Who is it that we're waiting for?" I asked my mom as she looked nervously at a door in the corner of the room.

Kali looked at me and then over at her daughter.

" How much of your child hood do you remember?" asked Kali, twirling a grey loc in between her fingers.

"Well, there was one night on my beach. I was twenty one and had just brought my first house. I sat on that beach for hours, just happy to be near the water again. I did have the feeling someone was watching me, but i just didn't want to think who or what was watching me." I told her.

" Someone was watching over you, whenever you went near the beach. That someone was me." said a man's voice.

I looked up and saw who was speaking. It took me a little bit to get up from my seat, new fins and all. I swam over to him and looked into his sea green eyes.

The one thing I remembered besides my mom's song was looking up into sea green eyes. I felt safe. I knew in my heart this mer was my father.

"Dad?!" I squealed as we threw our arms around each other.
Words couldnt describe how I felt. After all this time I had found my parents and my grandma.

I couldn't understand why my adopted parents would keep my identity from me. Esspecially after they promised my mom to tell me who and what I was. I couldn't be mad at them. Maybe they wanted to protect me.
As I sat there wrapped in my dad's arms, I felt something. A blast of happiness and giggles. I had felt this before but never could explain it. I knew that laughter, but how could no one else hear it. I let go of my dad, and looked around for the source of the laughter.

"What is it, child? Do you hear something?" asked Kali coming closer to me.

"I hear laughter and I feel so happy,joyous. Where is it coming from? " I asked.

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