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We swam for most of the night. I could feel the temperature change in the water. It got warmer and the sea bloomed. There were so many beautiful colors under the waves.

There were greens and blues, even purples and golds. That was just some of the fish. I noticed this mermaid had begun to dive a little deeper. 

"Where are we going? What can I call you?" I thought. 

  "We are going home to my kingdom.  My name is Ade. I am the queen of Lumidia. I will not tell you anymore until we get you into your proper form. I can't believe your family didn't tell you who and what you were. I see that you kept your love for the sea. Good girl." she said. 

We had paused so I could rest. We sat in what appeared to be an undersea park. There were benches and a lovely green field. Sea anemones were everywhere outside of the green. I saw a mother and child playing . when they looked over at me both bowed and waved to Ade. 

 I had to know more. 

"Ade, If you are queen, what does that make me? Am I your daughter? " I asked. Ade looked at me and smiled. 

"Child, I thought I said I would reveal no more until we are in the palace. You are truly inquisitive.  Something you inherited from your father. It is highly important that I tell you no more until we reach my palace.  Tell me about what you remember from your childhood." she said as she stretched her fins. 

  "I remember singing, and being extremely happy. My parents lived by the ocean. I played on the beach. I had two sisters. They taught me to swim, which our parents were terrified of for some reason."
"We often played catch or made up silly games, until I got old enough to not want to play. I was a cheerleader in school. I had a lot of friends, but something was always missing." I said. 

 While I spoke, Ade listened. She smiled as she listened to my childhood.  We were there for a few more minutes when Ade jumped up from her seat. She grabbed my arm and took off. Apparently something was chasing us. I looked behind us to see a large mouth with gleaming white teeth closing in on my toes. 

Without thinking I pulled my left arm out so it was in front of me. A lightening bolt sprung at the creature, hitting it right in the open mouth. 

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" the thing screamed. 

I threw it again and again, until I couldn't see it anymore. Ade held tight to my other arm. We reached the palace gates and rocketed through as they closed behind us. Ade's palace was a-freakin-mazing.

Most sea palaces were, but this one was extraordinarily so. The towers blended in with the deep blue ocean until you reached the turrets. They were encrusted with diamonds, rubies and sapphires of every color. 

The walls were white sandstone, sea grass grew on some of the outside walls, making the Palace hard to see from straight on or from above. Lantern fish swam in and out of their perchways. They lit the inside. These fish swam freely after the palace was asleep for the night. 

We swam through two such hallways and then stopped at a big red door.  I had never seen a door like this. It looked like it had been grown instead of built like most doors. Ade opened it and went inside. We swam down some sort of stairway until we came to a room decorated in purples, reds and blues. 

In the middle of the room was a white marbled tub. It was built into the floor. There was a feeling of peace here. Even though there were no fish sharing their light with this room, many different colors floated throughout the room. 

 Ade took me over to the tub and sat me down in it.  I was just happy to finally have a moment to rest. She swam off to a part of the room I never noticed. When she came back, an older woman had come with her. 

 The woman wore a deep blue cloak. Her hair was white and her skin was the same pecan brown as Ade's. the most unique thing about her was her tail and fins. They were white, with splashes of gold and silver on them. 

 The two women began to pour different things into the tub with me.  Ade poured a bucket of hot water in, then  red and pink salt. The woman in the cloak added jasmine, orchids and a dark oil, to the water. They sung as they added a few more things. Rose petals, pearls and a blue powder, then another bucket of water, but this water was green and poured right on my legs. 

As they sung the mixture began to glow, softly at first, then brighter and brighter. My legs began to change too. The woman in the cloak clapped her hands, reached into the tub and splashed my changing legs with the mixture. The song ended, but the glow was still there. 

 When I looked into the light I saw a purple crown. It was right in front of me, I tried to grab it, and everything went black. 

As I lay in  the tub unconscious I heard a conversation between Ade and the cloaked woman. 

"She used an electric attack to defend us from a shark. Her power is strong, and you say she has been gone from Lumidia for one year? You must tell her of her lineage, if she has not already  guessed, Ade. " said the cloaked woman. 

  "I'm  worried she will be angry or so hurt that she will leave me. I couldn't bear it, mother." said Ade as she hugged the woman in the cloak. 

I woke to find I was laying on a bed, in a room that Ariel and any other Disney princess would be jealous of. The windows and walls were made of purple diamonds, I had a desk of some sort in the far corner of the room.

 There was what might be a bathroom on my left and a hammock type of chair near the desk. One wall was covered with what I quickly realized were scrolls. 

I got the shock of my life when I tried to stand. Instead of my legs, I now had a glorious purple tail. It started lavender at my waist and faded to a deep eggplant. Now swimming like this might be a little hard. 

"Hmm, here goes nothing" I thought as I gave myself a push from my bed. 

I didn't  do so bad, this being my first time with actual fins. I had tried swimming this way as a child once. I did it for all of twenty minutes and then I was done.  This was going to be very different. I decided to try and find Ade and the cloaked woman. I made it out of my room and down the hall when I saw them headed to me. 

  "Oh I see you are awake. How are you handling your new body?" asked Ade. 
"This is new but it feels right." I said.
The cloaked woman swam over to my left side, leaving Ade on my right.
    "There are a few things you need to know. I know you were adopted. Did you ever wonder about your birth family? " asked the cloaked woman.

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