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We stood in a laboratory. All these years my adopted dad had been playing mad scientist? There were jars and vials on one side of the room. Most were empty. There were two that had some kind of liquid in them.

I looked at my dad and back at the room. What in the blue hell had I missed? Who were these people? Matais went over to the counter that sat in the middle of the room.

Papers had been strewn on it. In the middle of it was a familiar box. The box was ocean blue. There were white and off white shells on it. The blue was some kind of jewel stone, it looked like turquoise but it felt like Lapis.

This was the box I was found on the beach with, it seemed like a lifetime ago. I had never seen what was inside it. I thought it had been lost.

" I see you found it. Your mom kept it. She said you would need it one day. I never opened it. It started to glow a few weeks ago. It was a soft blue light at first, now it pulses. " said Matias.

"Is this mine? What do I do with it?" I asked.

My dad looked at me and then at the box. He smiled weakly and said, " only you know. I mean one of your kind would know. "

With that, I picked up the box and cradled it in my hand. I could feel the pulse. It felt like the waves in the ocean. It was warm, but not hot. I looked down at it and to my surprise, a familiar pair of sea green eyes looked back at me.

I touched the lid and it opened. Inside was a necklace. It was beyond words. It was a purple fan shaped clam shell. On each side of it, was a limpet shell that was gold. I had never seen a gold limpet.

There was a vibration coming from the necklace. That was when I heard it.
"You have found me. I knew you would. Everything will be explained but you must save your adopted parents. " said a voice in my mind.

When I came to, I was on the floor. I sat up and looked around for my dad. He wasn't there. He must have went back to see what was going on with my mom.

I jumped up, grabbed the box and ran. The necklace was pulsing again, it was pulling me back to my mom's room. 

I still heard that voice, but I recognized my father's voice pleading.    I had enough of this witch. She had frozen my mother , ransacked the house and now was standing in front of my father , threatening to do the same to him.

" oh hell no! Enough! This ends now, witch! " I yelled holding up my hand.

    She turned around to face me, and I felt electricity shoot from my fingers.

  The electricity hit her making a sizzling sound. She yelped, and tried to dodge the second bolt I let fly. Her dark eyes went wide with pain when the other bolts hit her.

She fell forward, putting her arms out in front of her. 

      I heard my dad yell,  "Oh my noo!"
Minerva hit the floor. She just lay there, not moving, not even breathing.  My mom sat up, and looked down at Minerva's body.

  " What did you do?!" Shouted my mom.
   She got up and ran over to me.

" Oh no, kid. You shouldn't have been able to do that? When did you get fire power like that? Is she? " rambled my mom.

"Will you please tell me what in the freaky ass Friday is going on here? I met my parents. Why would you not tell me who I was? Who is this witch? Why was she attacking you?" I said as my mom jumped up from the bed and ran over to the woman on the floor.

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