what in the entire hell?

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I had often wondered about the people or person who gave me up. I did have one memory of what I think was my mom.

I was laid against her chest as she began to sing. The song she sung was hauntingly beautiful. I didn't remember the words but I knew the tune.

Ade and the woman in the cloak swam with me to a garden or a courtyard of some sort. There was a few seats near what appeared to be sea roses.

We sat down and the cloaked woman pulled down her hood. She had platinum blond hair and shared Ade's pecan coloring. The only difference besides her tail were her eyes.

Her eyes were jade green with flecks of hazel in them. She seemed familiar. Now that I had a chance to relax, I saw Ade and the formerly cloaked woman shared facial features.

Sitting here also gave me a chance to think about this situation. Why had my adoptive parents been so reluctant to teach me to swim or even play in the waves?

My sisters were adopted also, but one kind of reminded me of this shaman. She was older than me by five years. Once she turned eighteen, she said her goodbyes to us and left.

I recieved letters and post cards from her a few times over the years, but then once I brought my house by the sea, her letters and post cards stopped.

I looked up at them and that was when the cloaked woman spoke.
" I'm sure you are wondering about the things that have happened so far and Ade promised to tell you. I am Kali, Ade's mother. " explained Kali

"Wow. I was right." I thought.

This time Ade took my hand in hers. She looked into my eyes and spoke.

"Long ago I gave birth to children. Two girls. I was still engaged to your father. Some felt having these children without us being properly married would cause a rift. " she said.

"My husband to be hated the idea, his mother had you girls sent to live as human. Only to return if your powers showed up. The couple that took you in gave their word to tell you about me once you became of age."

I looked into her eyes again. I could feel tears coming. I swam to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Mom?! You are my mother?" I said as I squeezed Ade.

A switch flicked in my mind. All the memories of my childhood came flooding back.
   No wonder my adopted parents didn't want me to learn who I really was. I'm not sure if they were trying to protect me or keep me with them.

I was the daughter of a mermaid and a princess! Shit,  I just became Ariel, imagine that.

Now if Ade was my mom, that made Kali my grandma. There was just one more person I needed to find out about.
  I released my mom, hugged and kissed my grandma and then I began to wonder about him. My mom finished her story but she never mentioned him.
Deep in the heart of the castle was a secret room. Here it was dark. This darkness hid pain. Pain of losing the children.
     He had begun changing after the girls were sent to the surface. He just never would understand why his own mom chose to send away her grandchildren.
    His lovely wife had told him the girls were still alive and that they would come home one day.

       He believed her. He kept waiting for the girls to reach out. Once he could sense them. He could feel how happy they were.
    He knew whenever they were near the sea. Today he thought he felt it again. Maybe he was imagining it.

Keanu folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes. An image popped into his mind.

  Ade was hugging a young mermaid with a purple tail and raven hair. Could she really have found her? Was this, Maha? He had to know if this was really her.

Keanu had reverted to a old forgotten form. He looked like a fish with the body of a man.  If this was his child he couldn't meet her this way.

  He swam down into his laboratory. He had made a cure for this condition. He just needed to find where he put it.

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