music begins

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I sat looking out at the ocean like I usually did when I couldn't sleep. Sometimes the waves would calm me. This time they seemed to be calling to me. I got up, walked to the door that was in my room and went outside.

The night air felt cool against my skin. I looked up at the moon and the stars. That was when I heard it. Music. It was coming from the ocean. The waves themselves, seemed to be playing a familiar melody.

I walked through the path that lead from my house to a small secluded beach. There, I found where it had been coming from. What appeared to be a woman, was sitting on the edge of the cove.

She was lovely. She was pecan brown with very long dark hair that was now slicked down on her head. Her eyes were the deepest blue, and her legs were turned to the front, I couldn't see them, so imagine my surprise when she turned to face me.

Instead of pecan brown legs, a tail with dark blue scales and fins flopped on the sand.

"Holy Hell."

She smiled and raised and arm. The water formed a large hand and scooped both of us into the water.

" You finally came. I thought you would never come. I have been waiting here for I don't know how long." she said moving closer to me.

Part of me was afraid. I really didn't know how to swim but I was treading water with ease. I guess fear is a good teacher. The other part of me was thinking of how I could get back to the shore and get the hell out of here.

Mermaids were not supposed to be real. So if they were, then another thought popped in my head. Is this the reason I could hear this music? At this point I made a decision. I wanted to find out who this mermaid was and how she knew me.

I could feel myself getting tired of treading water. The mermaid had reached out and now held me in her arms. She looked into my eyes. What i saw in her green eyes was the love of a mother for her child.

"you don't know who I am, or what you are, huh? Don't worry, love. All will be fixed. Now, off to my kingdom. " thought the mermaid as she returned my look. She never let me go, but dove underwater with me.

At first I thought I was drowning. As she swam I couldn't breathe, I started to panic until she tapped my shoulder.

"Relax. You are in your home. let go, you will be fine. trust me, child." she thought to me.

I laid back with my head against her chest, and closed my eyes. I let go of my fear and soon found, I was breathing normally, just underwater. Now things were beginning to get weird.

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