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Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  A drone targets the American base in the Koniko oil field in the Deir ez-Zor countryside

A press statement issued by the Islamic Jihad Movement:

▪️ We condemn in the strongest terms the American aggression against brotherly Iraq, which led to the martyrdom of the leaders of the Iraqi resistance, Arkan Al-Alaywi and Abu Baqir Al-Saadi, and a number of other Iraqis.

▪️ We affirm that the American administration, with its aggressive approach against the peoples of our nation, aims to inflame the conflict in the region, to protect the Zionist entity and to support the war of extermination that it is waging against our Palestinian people.

#Urgent|  Red Crescent: Our crews transported two martyrs and 10 injuries as a result of the occupation’s targeting of a house in the city of Deir al-Balah in the middle of the Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Artillery shelling east of Deir al-Balah

#Urgent |  Casualties: Occupation aircraft bombed the upper floor of a house belonging to the Al-Mughir family in the Saudi (1) neighborhood, west of Rafah.

#Urgent|  Occupation forces storm the town of Al-Samou, south of Hebron.

#Urgent|  11 martyrs were killed as the occupation bombed two homes in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip

“My love, where is Mama?” A nurse is surprised by the presence of his family among those injured in the targeting of a house in the city of Rafah a short while ago.

#watched|  An infant loses his mother due to the recent occupation bombing of Rafah

#Urgent|  Press sources: The young man, Muhammad Khalil Al-Barghouti, from the town of Kafr Ain, northwest of Ramallah, died as a result of his injury by the occupation army’s fire during its storming of the town about two weeks ago.

#Follow |  Yemen: An American-British aggression targets the Qatainat area in the Baqim border district in Saada Governorate, northern Yemen.

#Follow|  Local sources: Palestine TV journalist Nafez Abdel Jawad and his only son were martyred in the occupation bombing of a house in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

5 children are among the martyrs in the occupation bombing of two homes west of Rafah.

Farewell to the martyr Muhammad Khalil Al-Barghouthi, who died two weeks after being shot by the occupation forces during the storming of the town of Kafr Ain, north of Ramallah.

#Follow|  The number of martyrs rose to 14, including 5 children, and dozens of injuries as a result of the occupation targeting two houses west of the city of Rafah.

The first moments of the occupation targeting a house belonging to the Fahjan family in Tal Al-Sultan in the city of Rafah.

#Urgent |  Clashes around Abu Mazen roundabout, west of Gaza City

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the city of Jericho and the town of Qasra, south of Nablus

#Urgent |  Air strikes by occupation aircraft in the northern Gaza Strip.

#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the towns of Sa'ir, north of Hebron, and Qasra, south of Nablus.
Al-Aqsa Channel:
#Urgent |  Hezbollah: We targeted with missile weapons the “Ruwaisat al-Alam” site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms, and we hit it directly.

#Watch..Journalist Imad Zaqout describes the “tragic” situation that the residents of northern Gaza are experiencing due to the famine imposed by the Zionist occupation in light of its prevention of the entry of aid and food for months

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