Chapter Six

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Articus awoke to the sound of Mia's humming. A cool morning breeze blew in from the balcony and he could smell leaves and earth mixed into the air. Summer was retreating and fall was coming--the change was a blessing.

Groggily Articus threw his feet over the side of the bed. As he sat on its edge, he blinked away the sleep.

"Morning Master. I didn't wake you did I?" Mia said warmly as she brought a tray of breakfast to the table outside.

"No--good morning to you. I'm normally the first one up..." Articus's head was foggy and the words came out without thought.

Standing up, he wobbled to the bathroom for a soak. He stopped halfway to the bathroom when he heard feet rustle.

"Nina is in the waiting room, Master. She said you were expecting her."

Knuckling his eyes he grumbled, "I told her--err." The predawn light seeped through the windows. Turning on his heels, he threw back the doors to his wardrobe and quickly donned on a shirt and pants before Mia could reach him.

"Eggs will be cold before I get back. Sorry, I meant to tell you. I've taken up a--student."

Mia only bowed her head slightly.

"As you wish. You will be back before class start?" He was only mildly surprised she knew his schedule. When he nodded she said, "Good. Your food will be ready then and your bath drawn."

Picking up his da'kka and sword, he rushed passed a refreshed looking Nina. He didn't feel like talking and Nina caught the hint.

"Hey Articus, you heading to--" Waylon said the moment he walked out of his quarters. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Nina.

"The training fields," Articus finished for him. "You want to come help me?"

"Naw. I have Glyn breathing down my neck today. No one has slept since last night."
And then Waylon grinned. "You missed one helluva party. Nina." He inclined his head to her before taking up a jog toward the common room.

Speaking of chasing... Seems he knows a thing or two.

Nina frowned at the fleeting man and Articus had to look away to hide his smile.

"No point in wasting time," he grumbled through smiling lips. Taking Waylon's lead, they took up a brisk jog toward the four circles they had found earlier.

"So why is it you want more training? Was your mentor not good enough or is Wes really that bad?" Articus asked when they came to the place they had been the day before.

"No. Vinna was more than adequate. Wes? He isn't much of a threat or Cedrick would have taken care of him long ago." She smiled at the thought. "Wes just likes to talk, that's all. My father taught me to be excellent in anything I ever do--even if it's in something I don't like."

"Sounds like a smart man."

Nina smiled sadly. "Yes, he is."

Articus didn't press any father but instead focused on the task at hand. "I have only known the Red Guard and more importantly the Vanguard--it is not an easy way to learn I'll warn you. You sure you want this?"


Sighing, Articus drew six circles into the ground.

"The Empire has a combat system called The Way. The Red Guard sums it up as 'You must crawl before you can walk.' First, training is hand to hand combat. You must master that first before you can go to the next level." He pointed from outside of the circle to the first circle, ticking off one circle at a time until he reached the center. "Knives, short sword, sword, staff, throwing knives and then, lastly, the bow. Master every one and then you go through it again at a more intensive level. After the third time around, you can become a Vanguard. It takes years to get to that level and, as such, don't fantasize about reaching that level any time soon."

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