Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, Mia had a message for him from Celia.


Congratulations! The Head Mistress told me what had happened and I agree with her decision. Cedrick will also be graduating today to Devotee as well. I will meet you at your room at noon. Be dressed in the formal uniform.

Celia Tecard

Articus read the message again before tossing it onto his nightstand. Stretching, he yawned.

"Everything okay, Master?"

"Here, see for yourself," he handed her the letter.

Swinging his feet over the side, he hopped out of bed. Unexpectedly, his legs gave out from under him and he cried out as he toppled to the floor.

"What the hell?" he muttered.

"It's because of your wounds, Master," Mia said absently as her eyes scanned over the letter.


She laid the letter back down and helped him up.

"Mistress Celia told me that when you heal, it takes up a lot of your physical energy. The worse the wound, the more energy it takes from you. Since your normal workout injuries aren't bad, you haven't felt this before. Food in your stomach is the best medicine."

Mia helped Articus to the table outside and he shivered as the frosty air kissed his skin. It was cold but it awakened him out of his morning stupor.

"Hells bells, it's cold," he said between another yawned. "It feels like winter. And I'm hungry."

Articus caught Mia roll her eyes out of the corner of his eye. "Yes, Master."

She roughly pushed him into the chair.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady. This weather is unnatural! And where's the food?"

"Are you this cranky every morning?" she asked tiredly.

"Aren't you suppose to be subservient?" he shot back bitterly.

"Not when I don't have to," Mia breathed just within his hearing. Articus had a funny feeling that Mia knew she had.

He heard footsteps just outside his door and a click of trays.

"Door. Food. Now."

"Yes, Master"

Is it just my imagination or is she being sarcastic with me? What happened to the trembling woman I saw a week ago?

Mia brought a tray heavily laden with plates of food. Shivering, he eyed the steaming mounds of eggs and bacon eagerly. Just as she sat the tray down, he stuffed his mouth full of whatever he could grab.

"I don't see how you aren't shivering," Articus said between his second and third plate. He was starving.

"This is hot compared to winter."

"What do you mean hot? This is bloody winter. How much colder can it get?"

Startled, Articus realized he was about to start on his fourth plate. He didn't think he had eaten this much before in his life.

"Much colder. Some days, the tree's sap freeze and the trunks explode as if hit by lightening. I will see about getting some hot coals for your bed. The nights are the worst."

Tree's exploding?

Homesickness pained at him like a disease.

After breakfast, he shaved and bathed in the blissfully hot pool. Settling himself on the sofa, Articus picked up a book on the Darkling Wars while Mia made his bed. Flipping through the book, he looked for a major battle that Waylon wanted his opinion on. It was then when Cedrick came in with a heavy stones board under the crook of his arm. Articus hadn't played in moons but had instantly recognized the checkered wooden board.

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