Chapter Ten

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As promised, Guinavev kept him company for the rest of the day. Since entertainment was her business, it didn't take much for Articus to loose his need to get out.

Guinavev was to have lunch with the Head Mistress and, later on that night, perform for her and a few Lordlings at dinner. While they didn't play Toss, they did swap a few stories. She was fascinated by the military aspect of his life, and even Mia--to his surprise--sat down to listen to some of Articus's adventures.

Guinavev was very persistent in her questions, mostly it was because she had never stepped foot south of the border. Articus even found himself telling her stories that would have normally been suited for soldiers. He was only mildly surprised that the woman was entertained by his soldier humor; the minstrel really didn't have the decency to blush when most women would have. At least Mia turned her head away at some parts.

While Guinavev thought his stories was like finding a hidden treasure, Articus felt he'd gotten the better end. She talked of royal courts of all the nations she had been to and how different some of the cultures were between nations. To her, it was a bland topic but to him, it was fascinating.

"Really Articus, you don't want to be royal. I don't think you'd fit in with that crowd even if you tried. You'd end up punching a guy anyways--although sometimes I wouldn't mind having you or Waylon along. While Brutus protects me, he wouldn't punch any of the royal pricks I have to deal with. You'd think women didn't have any backbones the way some of those pigs talk. Hell, even some of the women!" She was scandalized by the later.

"Say, when are you getting out of this dump? I wouldn't mind a companion. Maybe I could hire you on as a bodyguard? I saw you jumping off that roof like an acrobat. I could even train you! No one would expect an acrobat as a guard, surely."

Articus, laughing all the while, had to hold up his hands to defend himself against the woman's wild fantasies. Only Guinavev would think Tekal was a dump... and an acrobat bodyguard?

"I'm sure Mia wouldn't mind. Isn't that right girl? You see? Ohhh! We could say you are of a noble house from the Empire! No one would know otherwise. Then it'd be okay for you to punch a guy. You don't mind punching girls do you? Damn winches."

Articus had to grip his ribs as tears began to form. Looking at Mia's horrified face only made him choke.

Guinavev, smiling like an idiot, said, "So how about it?"

Wiping away the last tears, Articus started to feel pain in his cheeks--his face had been frozen into a smile too long. He was glad she'd stopped by.

"I'm sure Brutus wouldn't like that. Where is he anyways?"

"Outside in the hallway. Now stop trying to change the subject. I'll pay well."

Articus dismissed her with a wave of his hands. "I could retire on the amount of money I won off of you if that were the case. I don't live such a fancy lifestyle as you." Articus let a little country accent into his voice.

Rolling her eyes at him, she motioned impatiently with her hands for him to go on.

Articus almost choked on his own tongue when he realized she was being serious. Coughing, he said, "You can't be serious?" When she rolled her eyes at him, he said, "I still don't know what I'll be doing when I get out. While I might not be going back to the Empire, Nina offered me a job already. But I don't think I want to be sitting around all day doing nothing... So maybe."

Mia looked from Articus to Guinavev and back. The look of wonder that crossed her face was comical.

Articus closed his eyes as his head began to pound again. Mia was at his side almost at once, her hand pressing to his forehead.

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