Chapter Twenty

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"The Summit?" Nina asked incredulously.

"It makes sense," Mia said nodding her head. "Simple too. Bare with me for a moment."

Articus watched her ease into her robe and started pacing in front of them.

"Let's say Lady Tyrn learned that there was a traitor amongst all the nations but doesn't have proof. The Head Mistress tries to take her out. Her plan is to ghost all the nation's leaders except the traitor, claiming the Darkling's had done it. Win-win situation. Head Mistress gets the support and commitment of all the nations to hunt down all the Darklings while the traitor makes out to be some hero--if he plays his cards right. Hells bells, he could even gain the support of all the nations, uniting them to one cause. Destroying us."

Articus thought back on his previous conversation with Tyrn and tried looking at it from the new angle. It fits... In a way, but not perfect.

Nina sheathed the two weapons she had pulled out on the Hunters and looked at Articus expectantly.

Why am I the one with all the answers?

Rubbing his head in thought, Articus said, "Can you get the rest of your team here?"

Mia closed her eyes for a few heartbeats and then opened them. "They are coming now."

Not wanting to know how she knew, Articus took her word for it. Absently he scratched his four day old beard. He itched for a shave.

"Let's say you are right. My question is why. Why would the Head Mistress do this if she already has the mages in her pocket and a cash cow operation? She kills a rebel here and there and collects millions of gold crowns. She has kept the charade for this long, why the sudden change of mind? If she does manage to kill every known rebel, she looses in the long run. No one to cash in on."

Weryn shook his head. "You said so yourself. The only thing that's keeping Tekal from conquering everyone is us."

Articus had said so to Lady Tyrn under closed doors. The man had been there when Articus had been attacked. That angered Articus and for a silly reason. He hadn't known.

Don't beat yourself up there. He is bloody invisible. How could you have known?


Don't mention it.

I'm going crazy.


Articus suppressed his laughter to a chuckle. His companions looked at him worriedly. Ignoring them, he said, "Six of us, twenty or more of them. And let's not forget the fact that they have credibility on their side."

"So you are just going to let this happen?" Mia demanded.

Holding up his hands, Articus shook his head. "Never said that. We just have a tough nut to crack, that's all. Nina, get our group in here. We will need every hand we can use. Mia. If you could get General Briar here, we might stop this war from happening if we get Lady Tyrn's support.

The wall of energy around Articus's apartment suddenly wavered and all eyes turned to the waiting room's door. Moments later, two Caprians--a man and a woman--hesitantly walked into the room.

Correction: a boy and a girl. They look like they just got off their dad's farm for Gods' sake.

The girl hesitated at the doorway but the boy walked forward, confident. With one look at the two, Articus summed them up. Ahh, to be young and ignorant.

He gave Weryn a look and the man, of all things, returned him with an apologetic frown.

Mia pointed to the boy, "Will and his sister Akara. I believe you two have already met Articus."

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