Chapter Eight

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Guinavev none other Articus had met. It took him a while to pin it exactly, but once he figured it out, it became annoyingly obvious. The woman said what was on her mind and expected to get what she asked for, subtly of course. She even had a Reaper trained bodyguard that was at her sides at all times, something Nina had told him that was beyond expensive.

She... she was very blunt when it came to men she fancied too.

"Come, my darling soldier, tell me more of this Deshar," Guinavev purred into Waylon's ear as she threaded her arm through his playfully.

With the star-struck gone, Nina became acutely aware of her territory.

I almost pity him, Articus mused, almost. He was thoroughly enjoying his friend's torture and he wasn't the only one.

"I got a crown that says he doesn't last twenty minutes before Nina spits nails," Cedrick murmured behind flashy white teeth.

Articus held up a crown. "Make that ten minutes."

Dylon looked from one grinning man to the other. Confused he asked, "What are you two beaming about?"

"Deal," Cedrick nodded.

Growling lightly under his breath for being ignored, Dylon stalked passed Nina to Guinavev.

"Wait for it..." Articus said slowly--a knowing smile starting to form.

"Guinavev, I'd be honored if you allowed me to give you a tour of Tekal tomorrow," the eager Caprian looked like a love struck puppy.

"Actually, I've already asked Waylon here," the blond beauty said sweetly.

Nina's shoulders shook violently.

"Wait for it..." Articus said again, this time his smile turning into a broad grin.

Cedrick looked from Dylon to Nina. "That blind son of a--"

Nina grabbed Waylon by the collar and almost pulled him back off his feet. "Waylon! You were supposed to be helping me with EM tomorrow! So a pretty girl in skirts smiles and you bend over backwards?! Men!"

Nina's glare went from Waylon to Articus and then to Cedrick. "Why in the seven hells are you giving Articus a crown... Why are you all laughing? Stop laughing!"

Oh yes, they all--or maybe the right word was 'mostly all'--were having a great time on their free day.

Guinavev led them along the strip until they reached the dock. Massive in size, the thing stretched a quarter of a league out into the bay. Almost every span of its length held a ship too. Articus could just make out the end of it, sectioned off for the fireworks. He had seen fireworks only twice in his life, which was more than most men Ce'lian men. In Ce'l, fireworks were treasured and only used during very rare occasions--like the crowning of a new Empress.

Guinavev's apartment stood right across from the dock, atop a restaurant. Being on the Strip must have cost her a fortune but being right by the dock would have doubled that.

The aroma of the restaurant's food was succulently pleasant as Guinavev led them up a staircase along side the eatery.

Brutus, her bodyguard, went ahead of them. Guinavev patiently waited until there were four paces between her and her guard before she followed him.

Articus turned a critical eye to the back of Brutus. He was experienced.

The man moved like a cat and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him...'lean' came to mind. About the same build as Articus, he shifted his weight evenly and readily. Articus knew Reapers were trained to kill but, since he had started living with them, he had the feeling that most of the killing was done by spirit, not sword. Why risk your neck when you can attack from afar where your prey isn't expecting it?

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