Chapter 24: Coming storm?

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Author's POV:

Badi ma continued reciting Rudraneel the story of Dhara..

Badi ma: The maid that was given the responsibility of that child was, me..

Badi ma looked at Rudraneel; his eyes widen very subtly at the sudden revelation..

"I was 28, unmarried and..with a newborn child to myself...the child was born out of wedlock..

The man, who was the father tricked me..and I..even though I resisted...*closing her eyes tightly and then opening* I was forced!

But still! But still that cruel society didn't believe me! I was treated worse then trash! *In a angry hoarse tone*

Homeless, broken , devasted, depressed.. that's all I was.. luckily, a long time friend of mine worked as a maid in Sinha house..I got a lowly maid job, thanks to her..

At that time, when rich house's kids were treated no less then diamonds, little Dhara being given under my care, was equivalent to her being abandoned..

But still..I tried..I tried my best to give her what was her rightful! But being a kid out of favour with the matriarch, meant being somebody unworthy wasting even a glance to for the people of that house..

And so, she was neglected...Dhara didn't see her mother until she was 7 yrs old..and her father until she was 10..just how cruel are they! They lived under the same roof for years, but a child didn't know what her parents looked like*scoff*!

That child craved and craved for familial love...until she didn't.

You know, she used to read the discarded books of her other cousins and elder sister, they would'nt even let her have her own..but my Shonamoni was so hard-working, so smart! Such a cute little smarty she was! Always laughing and giggling!...but they..they took that smile from her..

After seeing her mother for the first time , you know what she told me? She said "Badi ma! Badi ma! She's soo beautiful! I want to be just like her when I grow!

So what if she didn't like me till now! For somebody to like us , we need to manifest! I will manifest! I will make her like me and love me! And later my father too!" *In a playful tone*

But by the time she came face to face with her father, her smile...her laugh..her happiness were all snatched from her!

No matter what she did, no matter what she tried..that woman didn't move an inch...always taunted, manipulated and belittled her..she ignored her.. behaved as if little Dhara didn't exist..

I still remember that one incident..the day, I was horrified..just how cruel can one be? That too , to her own child?!


Little 8 yrs old Dhara, is standing at the balcony of her quarters with a sheet in her hand...her black long locks sways in air with the wind..but her eyes are fixated on certain figures in the garden under thr balcony, she looks at them with longing eyes..

The sheet has a beautiful painting of a butterfly..

The sheet has a beautiful painting of a butterfly

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