Chapter Two

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I glanced around, but nobody else seemed to notice. They were too busy enjoying themselves, and the older boy had cut off the younger one's screams.

I glanced back at the fight and watched as the younger boy struggled to breathe. I felt the urge to help him, knowing how he felt. I remembered being choked by Cal Gonzalez when I refused to give him my money. Before I could reconsider, I grabbed the water gun lying on the grass and walked over. I knew it was a ridiculous weapon, but it was the best I could get my hands on.

I hesitated while approaching them, realizing how strong and muscular the older boy appeared while he captured the younger one in his crushing grip. I knew he was more than capable of beating me up, especially since I was even skinnier. Then I caught sight of the terrified expression on the younger boy's face. He glanced over at me, seeming slightly surprised to see me as we made eye contact before giving me a pleading look. Before I could back out, I raised the water gun, pointed it at the back of the older boy's Afro, and pulled the plastic trigger.

I wasn't sure if it would even do anything, even if it managed to release a spray of water. But apparently, the cold shock was enough to get him to release his grip. The younger boy fell to the ground, gasping for air while the older boy raised a hand to his wet hair. I gulped as he turned to face me, realizing I probably should've stayed out of it.

"S-sorry," I frantically apologized, backing away while managing not to drop the water gun. "It's just, you wouldn't let go of him, and he looked like he was choking. I saw this thing lying around, and I thought..."

I trailed off as I began rambling, hating how weak I sounded. Rachel would probably make fun of me for being such a wimp. I backed away, expecting him to go after me next, but to my surprise, he seemed to consider my words. He turned around to face the boy on the ground, who was now staring at me in surprise while removing his hand from his reddened throat.

"Well, you better get back to watching over that stand," he said. "That's your most important job in this place, right, Antonio?"

"Please leave me alone, Aidan," Antonio pleaded while getting to his feet. "Don't you have more important things to do than picking on me, like practicing for the trapeze act in the big top?"

"You don't know how lucky you have it. You have the easiest job here," Aidan groaned, while I gasped in surprise. I never would've imagined they were part of the circus. I thought they were just guests who got into a fight. I knew I should've taken the opportunity to escape, but I was slightly curious that kids around my age worked here.

"I've been practicing enough," Aidan grumbled. "After Nadia kept shoving me back and forth on the trapeze. I'm going to push her off if she pressures me to hang upside down on that thing one more time. Why can't Mr. Alvarez buy more than one trapeze?"

"I don't know," Antonio shrugged, not seeming that frightened of him even though he had just choked him. I guessed circus performers often dealt with things like that. "I guess since you're twins."

"He seems to think we're the same person," Aidan complained. "Can't you tell the ringmaster to at least give us separate caravans?" I almost laughed, finding it hilarious that he was asking Antonio for favors after nearly choking him. Why did he think a kid around my age could convince the guy in charge of the circus, anyway? "After all, you're—"

"No, I don't think I can," Antonio interrupted as he noticed me watching. "You know what he's like. He'll probably be mad if he finds out you were avoiding practice."

Aidan groaned, as well as shuddering slightly. He almost looked afraid at the mention of the ringmaster. "Alright, fine. I guess I better head back." He gave Antonio a dirty look while crossing the stall to the large tent set up in the middle of the field. "You don't know how lucky you have it."

Tales of Gloomsdale #4: The Horror of the Big TopWhere stories live. Discover now