Chapter Nine

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"Are we really going to do this?" Antonio muttered as we made our way through the circus as discreetly as possible.

I ducked behind one of the stalls, nodding. "We have to be quick, if you don't want your dad to find you. Or my dad, for that matter."

Antonio shuddered while following me. "If he does, I'll be so dead. And you will as well."

"I'll tell him if it was my idea," I assured while heading over to the shooting stall. I felt slightly relieved, knowing it was near the end of the circus.

It had taken enough convincing to get Antonio to leave with me to check out the shops. I was still surprised he had agreed. I suspected the only reason he had was because he was sick of being stuck at the circus. But he was still terrified of running into his father. Luckily, we didn't, and I didn't run into my dad either. Unfortunately, we did run into somebody else.

I stepped back in alarm as I saw Manuel on the ground, crying while staining the grass with blood from his grazed hands. I was wondering where he had been. I worried I was going to have to deal with him again, before watching with relief as Mom reached over to pick him up, cradling him in her arms while he cried.

She looked up, slightly surprised to see me. "Oh, it's you, Kyle. Where have you and your sister been?"

"Uh... checking out the circus," I said. "What's wrong with Manuel?"

"Oh, he just fell over and got hurt." She gently soothed him while dabbing a handkerchief against the cuts on his arms. "And I think he's had enough of the circus. So have I, to be honest. I think it's time to head home."

"What a coincidence. I have as well," I admitted in relief, watching as Antonio tried to slink into the background while glancing around nervously. "I was just going to leave too. All the lights in the big top were giving me a headache." That wasn't a lie.

"Well, go tell Rachel to come as well, if we're all leaving," Mom said.

"Oh, we aren't," I explained. "I was just going to take a break, with my... friend." Antonio glanced over in surprise just as he was about to hide behind the shooting game. "He's new here, and I wanted to show him some of the shops in town." That wasn't a lie either. "Rachel is, uh... well, she's in the big top, actually. You know, that big tent in the middle? Apparently, the ringmaster thought she was talented enough to perform in one of the acts."

"What?" Mom exclaimed in surprise, almost dropping Manuel.

"You know how she likes horseback riding?" I asked. "Well, apparently, there's a horse here, and the ringmaster was impressed with how she managed to ride it and didn't have any other performers who did. And now she's performing in front of the entire audience."

Mom stared at me. "You're kidding, right? The last thing I want is for Rachel to join the circus."

"I'm not," I assured. I was trying to take the attention off Antonio, who looked like he wanted to leave as soon as possible. "It's only temporary, for one show. You know how she's been in horse shows before, right? So it isn't really a surprise she'd jump at the opportunity to perform here. Go check out the big top if you don't believe me."

"He's telling the truth." I was surprised when Antonio spoke up, reluctantly stepping out from behind the stall. "My... the ringmaster was apparently impressed with her talent enough to feature her on stage. Temporarily, of course."

"Well then, I have to see this," Mom said, heading to the big top in shock. "Stop crying, Manuel. We can put off going home for a little while."

"Come on," I told Antonio while making my way out of the field and onto the street. He tensed up while stepping away from the circus, glancing behind at the colorful tents and attractions.

Tales of Gloomsdale #4: The Horror of the Big TopWhere stories live. Discover now