Chapter Eighteen

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It probably wasn't the best move, but I couldn't just stand there. I was worried he was going to do something terrible to my sister, judging by both the furious look on his face and the way the staff was aimed. As he began to lower the staff, I shoved him as hard as I could.

It only knocked him slightly to the side, but it was enough to distract him. He turned to me in slight surprise. Rachel did as well, looking confused by what I had done. Then I immediately regretted my action as the ringmaster turned the staff to me this time, only with the opposite end.

I froze, unable to move as the orb began glowing again. I had been hoping the staff had lost its power, but I realized it was just as powerful as ever. I stared at the piercing red light in terror, realizing how similar it was to the crystal ball. It was probably just as hot, too.

And then I screamed as I felt the heat. The fiery burning sensation jolted through my body, much worse than the uncomfortable warmth I had felt before. It only lasted for a few seconds, but my entire body shook with pain.

"Leave him alone!" The feeling abruptly disappeared, as if sucked out of my body. I caught sight of Rachel charging at the ringmaster this time, watching with slight admiration as she sank her teeth into his arm. He swung his arm wildly, glaring at her. Then I winced as the end of the staff connected with the side of her face.

Mr. Alvarez looked slightly surprised, as if he hadn't meant to do that. But he didn't seem concerned at all as Rachel fell to the ground. Instead, a pleased smile spread across his face as he towered over her again. "That's what you get for attacking me, you little thief," he said in a smug tone.

I didn't know what he was talking about, until I noticed the shards of glass scattered across the ground. She or the ringmaster must have shattered one of the animals. I realized that intervening had been pointless. Even if he hadn't intended to strike her before, I had basically helped him do so now.

Rachel let out a groan while sprawled on the ground, clutching her bruised face. I felt sorry for her, but I knew I couldn't intervene again. I gave her a sympathetic look while getting to my feet. My entire body still tingled, the same way Rachel's face had to.

As I backed away, I almost tripped over one of the shards. I bent down, observing the colorful glass. I could make out a pattern of orange and black stripes, striking against the grass. I realized it was more solid than glass. As I reached out, it felt like fur. My heart sank as I remembered, even though I knew the animals weren't really alive.

And then I jumped as I heard a familiar voice calling out. "Leave her alone!"

I turned in surprise, gaping in shock as I saw Antonio. I hadn't even noticed he wasn't there anymore until now.

Mr. Alvarez didn't appear overly concerned, smiling cruelly at his son. "Antonio, what are you doing here? I was very proud of how you acted before."

"Leave her alone, Father," Antonio insisted shakily. "She wasn't the one planning against you."

"No, but she did steal the animals." Mr. Alvarez gestured to the shattered glass over the ground. "And as if that wasn't enough, she broke one of them while trying to throw it at me."

"No, she didn't." I stared at Antonio in shock.

Mr. Alvarez frowned at him. "She even admitted she took the horse."

"I... I took the rest," Antonio admitted reluctantly.

"You did?" Mr. Alvarez scowled. "Of course you did. I forgot you were conspiring against me as well."

"I... I'm sorry," Antonio apologized, causing me to groan as he became meek and submissive again. "I didn't want to at first. But..."

"The others forced you into it, didn't they?" His voice became gentler, but I wasn't fooled. I knew it was an act, even if Antonio didn't. "This is why I don't want you speaking with other children. You know they'll trick and lie to you. It's better for you to stay where you've always known, at the circus."

Tales of Gloomsdale #4: The Horror of the Big TopWhere stories live. Discover now