11. Moments like these

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"Hey can I at least have a day without someone attempting to destroy something!!" You shouted getting in the middle arms stretched out. "Why am I always having to be in the center of you?" You asked Sukuna with an upset look as he looked away. "You chose to be." He responded.

Choso was still up and ready. "Y/n. I think you need to come back with me."

You flushed red. "Choso could you not say things like that." Sukuna appeared in front of Choso leaving you speechless as he gripped Choso by the neck. Leaning in close Sukuna's eyes were red. "Sukuna!" You tugged on his back.

"What the hell! What am I, a transparent wall? Go back with you?? Referring to her as someone who's been with you before?"

You shouted looking around the room for something. "NOT MY NEW PLACE!! ITS EXPENSIVE MOVING YOU BRUTE'S AROUND!!"

But you were also worried about hurting Sukuna. But he was hurting Choso!!

"I am not letting her stay with someone like you!"
Choso said between the choke hold as he grabbed Sukuna's wrist attempting to get him off. Sukuna started walking forward making Choso walk backwards until his back was up against the wall. Sukuna used both hands to wrap around Choso's neck as he attempted to choke him out.

"Sukuna!" You shouted splashing a bucket of cold water at him. "Kock it off!" You smashed the bucket on his head. "Only works in games!" You looked around for something else. A vase! A cooking pan! A metal rod that only bent in half when you smashed it in his back.

He didn't care. He wasn't even paying attention to you at the moment.

"Oh for God sakes!" You said getting behind him as you looked at his legs being parted. "I'm so sorry but you are making me do this." You shut your eyes as you swung your leg in between his legs.

Sukuna let go of Choso. Removing the bucket from his head as he turned looking at you with his red eyes. "You-" you backed away scared. "Sukuna. You need to calm down." You said nervously seeing how his eyes were in a blood lust. "Sit!" You said attempting to be strong. Seeing how it wasn't working you felt your knees buckle.

"I'm sorry.." you said softly as he walked up fighting his posture of pain as he stepped up you stepped back.
"I'll do it again!" You threatened pointing at your leg.

Choso used his blood cursed technique to wrap blood around Sukuna's eyes. "Come on!" He grabbed hold of your hand and ran out of the room with you. "Hey wait!! No I don't want to go! You idiot it's not safe to take me! This is my home!" Choso didn't listen he lifted you up in his arms and ran out with you. "You are the idiot one getting in the middle of fights."

Sukuna gripped the blood stream around his eyes finally able to see when the blood cursed technique was broken by him.
As he looked around he jumped out of your window.

Choso held his hand over your mouth attempting to keep you quiet as he tried to run away with you. Opening your mouth you chomped down on his hand as he let go of you. "I'm not going anywhere with you! I have to stay with him! You don't understand! If I leave him God knows what he'll do!"

"Y/n. He was going to kill you in that room. If you haven't figured it out. He is never going to change. He had no care in the world for you, my little brother, no one."

"No. He'd never hurt me. Sukuna would never. It's very complicated to explain."
Choso chopped your neck making your eyes roll back as you fell forward into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm doing what my little brother would have wanted me to do."

"I won't let him harm you. Yuji, could not forgive himself if he realized you were injured by his hands. His body."

Next morning.

"Hmm?" Your eyes opened as you looked over the bed seeing Choso siting up shirtless as he looked over to you. "I didn't want to wake you up." His hair was down and long.

Blinking slowly you looked at him blushing red before. Lifting the covers up seeing you were wearing a baggy white shirt.
"Where's my clothes?" Your eyes became watery as your face turned red like a tomato.
Chosos eyes widen as he turned to your direction. "I didn't have anything else to give you. Your clothes were dirty. So I had to take them off."

You started to let out a scream of embarrassment. Choso blushed red as he held his hands out wanting to do something to calm you down as you started crying out like a kid before throwing the covers over your face.

"Uhm. I didn't do anything to you y/n. I'm not that way I swear." He was attempting so hard but it wasn't anything with him. It's the fact how you've always had a crush on him. And now here's something you have dreamed of happening in real life. And what all can you do but feel weird! "I'm so disgusting!" You shouted under the covers.

It was as a guilt like feeling having him in bed with you. Well! You in his bed!

"Y/n?" He asked worried as you slowly lowered the covers quietly sobbing.
"You are not disgusting."

Your blurred vision clearing as you wiped away those tears to be able to see him a bit more clear. Muscles in a tight black shirt.
"Why are you such a snack?" You said out loud admiring his complexion, his eyes, his expression, his hair, face, body, muscles.

"What?" He asked confused as you covered your face again screaming out in embarrassment. "I!" He looked around not sure what to do. So he attempted not to make contact with your body as he crawled over you to get out of the bed.

The coveres lowered as his eyes met yours. Only your eyes were looking into his. The lower part of your face still shielded by the covers. "I ugh." He said blushing red with embarrassment.

OMG he's on top of you.

And you can't fucking think straight!!
"Don't cry. I won't hurt you." He said wiping your tear with his hand as you froze feeling how cold his hand was.

You reached out and held his hand in yours as you lowered the covers to breath out hot air into his hands. "Am I cold? Shit is that it?? Is it cold in here?"

He wanted to move away but you were holding his hand and he felt comfortable with you beneath him. A little too comfortable with himself being on top. It was warm, welcoming and he didn't realize it until now. How hot your body was. Like a little heating pad beneath him.

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