12. Hollow Moon, Bad Wolf

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Choso finally let his weight rest on you as he let you comfort him in your arms. His head slowly rested on your chest as his other arm stretched out beneath your shoulder. He could hear your hearted beat.

You kept hold of his hand in yours as your other hand slid through his hair scratching his scalp. It was a comforting feeling one he never felt or was used to.

"Choso. Take me back.."

Sukuna fixed the room. Paid for a new window to replace the one he broke. Rearranged the sofa and recliner. Did the dishes. Swept, mopped and finished washing the sofa covers that got stained from the tea and coffee.

He ran around the city in hopes of spotting you. Anything that would be a trace of that boy or you. While he blankly walked around he was cut off from his emotions. Engaging himself in other things. Distractions.

"Hey big boy. Come with us." A Woman cat called as he starred for sometime. She was attractive. But his eyes narrowed as he continued his walk.

(She is not someone who can be kidnapped so easily. Not even I could restrain her.. if I search for her. No, I'll wait. She's a strong woman. That boy is.. that boy she likes. She did not like me so she ran every chance she had. What will she do with him?)

His ears picked up a small sound. Through the busy crowed of people he looked around to find where this sound was coming from.
Looking up he saw a kitten hanging on the edge of a building. Blinking a couple of times he focused seeing it's small body struggling to stay up.

The kitten kicked its little feet attempting to push itself forward but it lost its grip. Sukuna reached down in time catching the kitten as he lifted it up. Looking down from the 20th store building people looked like ants. "Mew.." the kitten meowed in his hand as he looked at its wide worried eyes and shaking body. Looking away he set it back down as he walked away it followed him.

"Long fall for a kitten.."

Sighing in frustration he reached down feeling it climbing his pants. Lifting it up he protectively carried it back to your place. He looked in the fridge and took out the fresh salmon you bought. Getting ready to use his technique he stopped looking up a the ceiling for a bit before getting a knife to cut pieces of salmon for the kitten.

Quietly he set the bowl with salmon down for the kitten to eat. Resting his back up against the fridge he watched it eat as he rested the back of his head against the silver door of the refrigerator. Starring at the living room.

-Lobe the way you Lie• Eminem.-

Remembering last night's events.
Your apologies. The look of fear in your eyes seeing him lose his temper. It's no wonder you held that look. That look of fear. You didn't recognize him. The only thing he saw was your fear that he'd hurt you. The closer he got the more you backed away from him.

Smothering his face with his palm he shut his eyes closed.

"Mew?" The kitten sat in front of him as he slowly moved his head to the side to see it starring at him.

Getting up he made coffee and waited. He waited. And waited. But you never showed up. The sun was setting as he emptied the coffee pot carrying the kitten around his shoulder.

"Stay." He said to the kitten setting it down on your favorite jacket.

Closing the door behind him he wore a black hoodie with red sleeves and a red interior hoody.

"I'm not waiting for that woman."

"Help me!" A man screamed from a burning building. Looking up from the smoke and ash he starred into red burning eyes. "My daughter please. She's in the other room. My legs." He looked at the wood that had fallen on him. "Please!" He grabbed hold of the mysterious persons leg in front of him. "She's all I have. Please! SAVE HER!"

Sukuna looked away as he left the man alone.

The man was coughing and choking shutting his eyes accepting his demise. "Thank you.." he said in relief. Suddenly the weight of the wood was lifted off him. Blinking a couple of times he was outside on the ground with people surrounding him and his daughter next to him.
He smiled in relief. His eyes moved around seeing the man walking away.

"THANK YOU!!" he shouted out.

"Stop it!" The woman who attempted to cat call him earlier was attempting to get away from another man. "I paid for you! I do what I want with you!" He smacked her across the face making her fall on the trash bin.

"Get up." He lifted her from her hair as he raised his hand up to smack her again. A red line crossed his wrist as his hand fell off in front of the woman. "What the hell!" He shouted before he fell backwards. He looked at his arm where the hand was missing. He looked down to see his legs before him.

The stubs of his thighs were the only things wiggling. The woman screamed getting up as she ran away. Sukuna walked over looking down at the man dying on the street.


"Please don't..." An elder couple held their hands up as a man in the store held a gun attempting to rob the store. Sukuna watched from the entrance of the store as he slowly opened the door.

Walking in calmly the couple looked over seeing his back facing them while Sukuna looked at carbonated drinks. He silently shook it quickly in his hand.

"What are you doing dumbass!?" The thief pointed the gun behind Sukuna's head. "Empty your wallets dumbass!" The thief shouted.

Sukuna slowly turned around and used his nail to pop the carbonated drink blasting the thief with the liquid. The thief shot the gun missing Sukuna by an inch. Sukuna grabbed his wrist breaking it before slamming his palm on the thieves face and slamming the thieves body down onto the floor. Picking up the gun to examine it he pointed it at the man on the floor. "I've never seen such an awful thing." Sukuna pulled the hammer back clicking the gun. The elders held each other frozen in place.

"Ungraceful noise, keep up with me here. Is this a weapon to wound someone or to kill them."

The thief shook with his hands held up high. "I, I didn't want to kill anyone man!" The thief said horrified seeing the barrel of the gun.

"Not wanting to kill anyone, would you be willing to kill someone? Holding a weapon, not able to have the nerve to use it. Tell me do you use the left hand to wipe your ass and the right one to eat?"

The thief looked at Sukuna confused. "I'm left handed." The thief said nervously. "Left handed, I figured from the way you held the gun."
Sukuna flinched his fingers slicing off the man's hand off his wrist.

"How much is this?" He carried a bag of cat food to the counter as the elder couple looked at him in shock. Sukuna waited patiently as they checked it out and he set the gun down pushing it to them. He looked at the price as he reached into the wallet you got him with cash.
"No." The elder woman said handing him the bag.

"I don't care for your kindness." Sukuna said smirking as he gave them the right amount for the cat food bag as he walked on top of the thief making him gasp and groan in pain as Sukuna exited the store.

On his way back he stumbled upon a couple of more helpless people. Their cries, their screams, their begging voices. The cursed spirits and the humans he eliminated for the night. The lives he saved for the night.

Sitting at the top of a roof top he starred out to sky seeing the sun rising. The cold winds had stopped blowing from the day break.

He had fed the kitten and decided to go back out in hopes of seeing you. "I would look for you." He mumbled out. But you scowled him. Told him that he needed to stop running around looking for you because whenever he does people get hurt, places get destroyed, and you dared to even call him reckless!

"Foolish woman.. I keep thinking of your idiotic words towards me. These standards I care not for. Humans are disgusting..."

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