16. Pizza Therapy

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When you got out there was a light knock on the door. "Who is it?" You asked looking at the security camera that was beside the door. Some pizza delivery.

"I didn't order Pizza." You spoke through the mic. The hat prevented you from seeing their face. They didn't respond. Holding the towel tightly you grabbed a knife from the kitchen and walked back to the door.

Opening the door up a bit. "Manager ordered pizza for the residents."

It didn't sound like Sukuna.
(She is answering the door to a stranger with just a towel on? Really y/n? Just what are you thinking!) Sukuna thought to himself.

"Please sign." He said passing the pen and paper through the crack of the door.

You took the pen and looked at the board with paper and signed the list with other names on it. Seemed legit.

"Thank you." You said sneaking the pen and paper back from the crack of the door. The delivery guy pinched the edge of his hat nodding as he walked away.

You finally opened up the door wide enough to see the pizza box on the floor.
"Oh thank, you."
You shouted to him blushing red smelling the goodness.
It was hot when you lifted it up and brought it back in.

Sukuna was outside hanging out on someone's balcony as he looked across. Your window curtains were open. He could see you clearly as you sat on the sofa and chowed down still in your towel. You were starving for food.

(She so damn cute..) He thought.

Even the kitten got it's own small piece of pizza. Sukuna grind widely as he munched on his own slice.

"Mmm! Mmm!!"

Sukuna glared at the Pizza man who was tied up hanging backwards on the ceiling of the balcony.

"Shut up. I'll give you back the uniform when I'm done. Disgusting." He said looking away.
"You keep making such annoying noises I'll cut the rope." The pizza delivery guy shut up quickly as Sukuna looked back at your building.

"Why are women so complicated?" He asked while chewing.

"Foolish woman. Taking the chance of running away. Look at her, starving for something to eat. Running around looking for some job. As if I'd let it happen. Has she not figured out why her landlords have not asked her for rent? They didn't forget. Oh no, they just are no longer alive to ask her for it. They were to kick her out this month. They were to even charge her extra for having our kitten. Y/n, doesn't want kids. The kitten was my gift to her. Personally, I don't want any hell spawns either."

Sukuna was so annoyed by all of this bullshit he has had to deal with for you.

Leaning his chin on his palm munching away on the food pouting. "Mm, mhmm."

"Hmm? What?" Sukuna reached over and pulled the tape off the pizza delivery guys mouth.
"Hey ugh. Uhm, can I ask why she left you?"

Sukuna looked back at your room. "Look at her. She's such a good mom." Sukuna watched you comb the kitten in your lap. Fix it a new collar with a rose on it.
"She didn't leave me." Sukuna said softly.

"Then, wh-why is she there and you are here."
He asked Sukuna.
"I'm too much of a man for her to handle." He responded tossing a bone at the delivery guy.
"So? What's the problem?"
He kept trying to make small talk.
"Maybe I can help?"

Sukuna laughed at him leaning down with a maniac smile. "What in the hell? What a waist of breath. Fine I'll tell you a little secret. I'm not anyone to be controlled. I'm killing and doing what I want to do. But what I want to do is none of her business to be exact. As I see it she has to live her life in peace."

"Then why not let her?" He asked as Sukuna looked away. "Why that fuck does it matter to you?"

"Well, if you want to be with her then it's normal to do some changes. Couples work things out."

Sukuna looked over the balcony for a bit as he looked up back at your living room.
"She doesn want me.." he admitted.
"Ooo.." the pizza guys said feeling awkward.

"I had to take her to be with me. She wanted me to be someone I'm not. I do not know why I've become infatuated with this woman. I never liked her before. Dreamed of her to be dead before. Wanted to cause harm to her because it would have hurt someone else she loved. When I had least expected it I had grown protective of her. Without knowing it I wanted it all to work out. Not as a concubine or a slave. I wanted her. Her spunk, that fire she has, her attitude and her foolish way of stepping up to challenges knowing well she can die. She showed me things of this world. She made me understand certain meanings. I know all about her. She knows nothing about me. And I have grown tired of explaining it all to you."

Sukuna looked over to the pizza man.
Tossing him over the ledge.
"And I'll have no one ever know these things of me." Sukuna watched the body fall and hit the ground below.

"How distasteful." He said spitting before looking back at your window. His nails scratched the edges of the balcony. "I would have never dreamed of this."

He watched you get ready for bed before turning the lights off.

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