27. DO A FLIP!!

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Sukuna would visit the hospital day in and day out. Waiting for you to come back. Waiting for a sign. It's been 3 years.
Sukuna stood by your bedside waiting for something. Something. Anything.
"What dark paradise keeps you from coming back to me."
Sukuna held your hand in his caressing the side of your thumb. "I never sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see you. Telling me you are fine.

Choso would visit bringing in flowers to change the old ones. "Is it by mistake you visit her?"

Sukuna turned to look at Choso. "Fuck off." Choso ignored Sukuna. "Is by mistake you met her? She wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't shown up. Why did you have to fall for her?"

Sukuna looked back your face. "It's not of your concern."

"Bullshit." Choso spat out turning to look at the flowers. "Why do you always bother to bring her flowers. She can't see them or smell them."

"It's not of your concern." Choso mocked Sukuna with his own words.

Sukuna huffed in amusement. They remained silent for sometime before Choso reached out to touch the pedels. "Smells, sounds, touch. I heard that some people can still smell, hear, and feel what's happening around them."

"What's that?" Sukuna looked at what Choso held in his hand. "It's a book. Some people read to them. It's supposed to help them find their way back."

Sukuna reached out to look at the book. "White Fang." Sukuna read the title.
"Will you read it to her?" Sukuna asked Choso.
"I can." Choso held the book on his lap while seated on a chair beside you.

Sukuna watched him flip the page as he seemed to struggle painfully. "What is it?" Sukuna asked.

Choso can't read.

"You read it to her. It's best if you are the one attempting to wake her up. She, will find it more welcoming hearing your voice."

Sukuna took the book as Choso got out of the chair letting Sukuna sit down. "Hmm.." Sukuna turned the page to chapter 1.
He started to read and as you slept his voice traveled into your dreams. Choso watched your eyebrows twitch for a bit and your hand flinch.

He didn't say anything he wanted to let Sukuna continue seeing that this is to be true and it's not a coincidence.


"Help! Somebody help! Please help me!"
Slowly opening your eyes hearing a voice cry out for help you started at the ceiling for a bit. The dream you had was short. A white wolf that sat outside your door from the room.

You were afraid yet calm. Afraid of not being aware of the situation and the unpredictable nature of such an animal.
"Help." The wolf said.
"Help me please. "

Looking around your eyes landed at the window. It was dark with the night stars shining.
Sitting up from the bed your limbs were numb. Your fingers were numb. Your legs could not be moved. Arms felt so heavy. Everything felt numb.

"Help me please."
Looking outside the door you saw an old man on the floor.
"Oh someone please help me. I've been here for over and hour."

The old man slammed his fist on the floor. His hand was swollen and bruised. Hearing your sound of feet beside him, he turned to see your toes. Slowly raising his head to see your expressionless face looking down at him.

"Please him me." He begged gripping your ankle. "I cant get up."

Raising your arm high the white staff and spear came out from the floor. "What are you going to do?" He asked seeing there was no expression on your face. No way of reading your intentions from your eyes. Lowering your arm down he closed his arms around his face.

Nurses chit chatted and talked as they walked over the corner of the hall they dropped their supplies screaming in shock.

"I'll go get the doctor." The nurse said leaving the other nurse behind.

"Are, are you okay?" She asked reached out but pulling her arm away.

An arm rose up and shook like fist as her eyes shivered. "Yeah! How about some food!" The old man shouted in a wheelchair. You stood behind him holding the handles before slowly turning to look at her.

"And bring this girl some food to! You must be hungry." The old man looked over his shoulder seeing you nod your head in agreement.
"See! This poor kid looks like a skeleton. Look at me! What can we do to get fed around here?"

The old man shouted.
Hearing his banter mad you smile from the inside. Though you couldn't feel it on the outside you felt that warmth in the inside.

"Take me near the window would ya?" The old man asked as you looked where he was pointing. Pushing the wheelchair you turned it towards the window. Standing beside him you touched the window seeing the sun rise.

Seeing your own reflection in the mirror. Touching the side of your face there were some scars. "Look at that. Isn't that beautiful. I always loved watching the sun rise in the mornings. There's just so many folks now a days so busy with their problems and worries. They don't ever stop to just enjoy simple things like this. We are all a mess. Counting the numbers, the sheep's in our sleep, our faults, and defaults. Young folks should know to just live like if tomorrow never existed. It makes the day more graceful. Wouldn't you think?"

You looked down at the old man nodding your head in agreement. "Kids now in their 20s act like if they were old folks like me. I'll tell you something. Us elders act like we are in our 20's.
Now don't get me wrong, I know what an old fuck I am. Can't even make it to my favorite spot without falling. See, my condition the bones are not as strong as they used to be."

You watched the sun rise with him. The nurses came with plates of food. "Miss y/n." The doctor examined you but you pulled away not wanting to be touched by him. "We have to get you back to bed. You shouldn't be walking." The doctor was stunned to see you standing and walking around. "We need to take things slowly." The nurses tried to assist.

"Hey! Shut the hell up and let the kid be! Fucking white coats. Can't you see we are trying to have a morning?"

You watched the nurses step aside to body watch just in case. Your eyes smelled the coffee in his tray. "Hmm? What? Want my coffee? Here! Have it! I can't stand that crap. It's disgusting."

He chewed on the scrambled eggs as you accepted the cup of coffee. Filling it up with creamer and adding sugar.

"Uhm." The nurse reached out to prevent you from drinking it but you chugged it down and let out a breath of relief. Looking at her with the cup requesting more. "It's best you don't have that ma'am."

"I want some chicken nuggets or a 12oz steak. I'm hungry.." you looked at her handing her the cup. You slammed the window open arched your leg on the edge.
"Grab her!" The doctor screamed but the old man flicked some apple sauce in the doctors eye.

"My EYE!!" the doctor shouted.

"Do a FLIP KID!" the old man cheered you as you jumped out doing a flip.
"Nice." The old man said going back to eating his food.

Unhinged Sukuna X Reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz