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walker stared hungrily at charlie's pancakes. it was now nine in the morning, half an hour before walker's wisdom teeth surgery. he couldn't eat anything for up to 8 hours before the surgery, so the hunger was making him practically delirious. he had been ranting about his feelings for kaitlyn for hours, while charlie sat quietly, listening and nodding and downing a total of three stacks of pancakes. the guy was a machine, walker thought.

"so tell her. it's that simple."

"she doesn't like me." walker said stubbornly.

"she loves you, man. it's corny, but i can tell by how she looks at you. and how often she looks at you. i catch her staring like five times a day."

"okay, well, even if she did like me-" the possibility sent butterflies racing through walker's stomach. "even if she did like me, i wouldn't say anything. i don't want to mess anything up. i'd wait for her to tell me."

charlie checked his phone. a plan began to formulate in his mind. "hey, i should probably drive you to the doctor's office. you ready?"

"yeah. let's go." 

iamcharliebushnell twin just had his last supper 😖 (he's about to have his wisdom teeth out)

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iamcharliebushnell twin just had his last supper 😖 (he's about to have his wisdom teeth out)

liked by kaitlynbright and 328k others

kaitlynbright this MIGHT be da vinci's "the last supper" 
iamcharliebushnell so u mean my beautiful face looks like a da vinci painting 🤗
kaitlynbright hmmm more like a toddler's finger painting

user2 read the caption dumbass

leahsavajeffries why are neither of you posing it's rly scary

leahsavajeffries this MIGHT be uncanny valley
iamcharliebushnell our face cards never decline ‼️
leahsavajeffries i have photographs that would suggest otherwise

aryansimhadri me when walker texts me "SOS i just had a realization" then goes into surgery
iamcharliebushnell need to tell u this realization text me 🙏

dior.n.goodjohn majestic!! (the background)

user1 BEST DUO

user7 my new wallpaper

leenascobell two buddies up to some mischief 😈🔥
iamcharliebushnell leena stfu 


an hour later, kaitlyn rushed into the waiting room. she looked tired, but there was a mischievous glint in her eye, eager to take some violating, birthday post worthy photos of walker. charlie stood up instantly. "kaitlyn!"

"charlie!" she walked over and gave him a hug. "hey, can i go in yet?"

"yeah, but kaitlyn, wait." he grabbed her arm. "walker and i were talking about some stuff this morning, and... i have a feeling that whatever he's about to say, even if he's all loopy from the meds, is probably true. just... don't take it with a grain of salt, okay?"

"ooookay." kaitlyn raised an eyebrow, shrugged, and darted into the room.

"you look like a chipmunk," was the first thing she said. that is, after she took about fifty pictures of walker lying down with cotton in his mouth.

"don say thath." walker furrowed his eyebrows. 

"a really cute chipmunk." kaitlyn amended. she was being truthful; she still thought he was cute, even with the swollen face. and that was a problem.

there was a strange look on his face. he paused, then said, "you're my best friend."

"you're my best friend, too." 

"no, i- kaithlyn, i love you." he reached for her hand. she reached over and held it tightly. 

"i love you too." she smiled, sitting on the bed next to him.

"no, i'm in love with you." he said quietly, speaking as clearly as he could. he rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand, sending a jolt of electricity up her arm. she had to remind himself that he was on pain medication, that he wasn't thinking straight. then she remembered charlie's words. i have a feeling that whatever he's about to say is probably true.

"what do you mean?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"i think abouth you all the thime, kaithlyn. i'm in love with you every day. you're not jutht my betht friend. you know that." 

she laughed quietly. "walker, you don't know what you're saying."

"do you think about me?" he said.

"i-" she paused. she could be honest. he probably wouldn't remember it the next time he saw her.

"of course i think about you. i always- i always think about you." i think about you more than i should, in ways that i shouldn't

"do you love me?" he looked up at her so earnestly, with those blue eyes that made her heart beat faster. her heart ached. here it was, everything she'd needed to hear all along, and she was leaving. but she couldn't back out.

"i-i'm leaving. in two hours." she blurted. "i'm going on a two-week trip with connor's family."

"lol!" said the author.

"connor?" he asked.

"the guy i was going on a date with yesterday night. i-i've known him for a while. it's just a casual thing. my friend lily is coming too, and connor's sister will be there, so it's not just us." she let walker's hand drop from hers. there were tears in her eyes, and maybe in his too, but she couldn't tell. he didn't say anything else.

"i'll see you in two weeks, okay? i love-" i love you felt like the wrong thing to say in this situation. but she'd never left him without saying it.

"i'll see you in two weeks." she repeated. she backed out of the room, then turned and rushed past charlie, through the hospital, out into the chilly air. 

he wasn't serious, she told herself. he was under anesthesia an hour ago. he can't mean anything he says. but he was telling her everything she'd wanted to hear all along, everything his eyes and actions had told her that his mouth somehow couldn't.

she shook her head. he was her best friend, nothing more, no matter how she felt about it. she'd talk to him when she got back, and he probably wouldn't remember a thing. for now, she had a flight to catch.

author speaks!
we love badly timed confessions!! teehee i'm rly sorry for this one guys 🙈
vote and comment to see what happens next 😉😉

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