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"why are you acting this way?" walker shouted at leah. "everything is changing so quickly, and i know you're upset with me, but our friend is in trouble, and i really need my best friend to on my side during all of this, okay?"

"i'm on your side, seaweed brain! i just can't believe you would-" leah stopped short, her breath catching in her throat. 

"wha-" walker turned around slowly and his breath hitched. there, on the forest floor a mile away from the cabins, was kaitlyn, blood seeping through her white dress from a wound in her stomach. she held it with shaky hands and eyes squeezed shut, gasping for air.  he rushed to her side. 

"what happened? who did this to you?" he cupped her cheek in his hand briefly, feeling the temperature of her skin. burning hot. he moved two fingers down to the base of her neck to check her pulse. 

"that tickles." she whispered, lips barely moving, trying to keep a laugh from escaping. of course, if there's one person who can't hold in a laugh during a serious situation, it's walker. a snort escaped from his nose as a smile grew on kaitlyn's face. a second passed. they both started howling with laughter.

"and cut!" a director said, rubbing his temples. "that's the seventh take."

"sorry." kaitlyn said quietly, getting up from the ground and fighting a smile as walker stifled another snort. "walker, kaitlyn, i need you to be serious. this scene wasn't in the books. we need to show the audience that it's necessary and not just a filler scene. this scene shows silena in a vulnerable position and will make her loss in the fifth book hit harder as we see percy and annabeth's bond with her. it's the first time percy calls annabeth his best friend."

"awww." said kaitlyn. the director ignored her.

"and walker, the line is 'grover is in trouble' not 'our friend is in trouble'. we'll try again tomorrow. kaitlyn, you're done, leah and walker, we need you by the lake. everybody take ten."

as walker and kaitlyn made their way back to the trailer, shoving each other and giggling, an unusually annoyed leah stormed past them, shooting a glare in their direction. kaitlyn felt a pang of guilt. leah had been putting in a hundred percent all day, and she and walker couldn't stay serious for more than five minutes.

"i do feel bad." walker said, voicing her thoughts. "i won't laugh next time. i'll pretend you're actually injured. the fake blood is pretty convincing."

"it's my fault for making you laugh." kaitlyn apologized. "and for getting up after every take. maybe if i'd stayed on the ground, it'd make it easier to believe that i'm hurt."

"not your fault." walker shook his head, holding the door to his trailer open for her as she walked through and closing it behind them. "i'll listen to a lot of sad music before we film again tomorrow. i think i can do it if i just focus." he kissed her forehead. "but in a scene with you, it's pretty hard."

"yeah, because all of this makeup making me all sweaty and pale and bloody is sooooo cute."

"oh, that's makeup? i thought that was your natural skin tone." he teased. she shoved his shoulder. "don't even. i'm a beautiful bronzed goddess."

"none of those words even remotely describe you." walker deadpanned. she stuck her tongue out at him before pulling out her phone. she'd been on it all day, walker noticed. more than usual. and she'd seemed distracted all week - filming today was the first time she'd seemed normal in a while.

"everything okay?" he asked. 

"yup." she looked up and flashed a smile before plopping down in a beanbag chair, fingers moving rapidly across the screen.

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