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walker scobell, leena scobell

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️

i fucked up
really really bad
how do i start a new life
can i re spawn into a different world

leaner 🤷‍♀️
oh no
what did you do this time

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
um rude
i don't fuck up THAT often

leaner 🤷‍♀️
mhm remember the time you tried to kick a can from aryan's hand and fell flat on ur ass??
remember all the times you've gone live with bad lighting and made an entire fanbase think you're ginger??
remember when you confessed to your girlfriend on pain meds with a lisp??
need i continue

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
nope no need
that's the thing
last i checked i didn't have one!

leaner 🤷‍♀️
oh crap
walker what did you do
she dumped u??

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
no see it was the other way around
i sort of dumped her

leaner 🤷‍♀️

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
but she told me it was a huge misunderstanding
which would make sense because like
she doesn't lie???
but i was too mad in the moment
so i broke up with her
but it could've just been nothing
fuck up!

leaner 🤷‍♀️
go get her back???
atleast find out what happened???

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
after i broke up with her
she turned her butt right back around and walked back to connor
so they're prob tg now
and then i texted aleena because i'm stupid and asked her to hang out

leaner 🤷‍♀️

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
i'm experiencing chest pains and i think i should go back to the hospital

leaner 🤷‍♀️
aww baby
i think that's called like 

walker 🚶🏼‍♀️
does my room have a leak
there is water on my face
it's raining on my face

leaner 🤷‍♀️
ok now this is just cringe
ur not a tiktok vent page
come downstairs rn!!

walker slowly made his way downstairs, wiping his face on his sleeve, phone in hand. leena was lounging on the couch in her sweats, rewatching the summer i turned pretty even though it was basically winter. her phone was in her hand, and a half-eaten tub of ice cream was in the other. she saw him when he was halfway down the stairs and held out her arms. 

he jogged down the last couple of stairs and fell into leena's outstretched arms, burying his face in her shoulder. his shoulders shook from his sobs. 

"aww." leena rubbed his back. "i don't even care that you're getting snot on my white fox hoodie. i can't remember the last time i've seen you cry."

"the last time i cried was when she was in florida." he said through his tears. leena squeezed him tighter.

"it gets better, i promise." she gave him one last squeeze and released him. she was heartbroken for her brother, but she was a little happy that it brought them closer together. it had been a long time since they'd hugged each other for more than a second or cried together. he had been spending all of his time on set or with his friends or with kaitlyn. still, she hated seeing how miserable he was. he was upset beyond the point of laughing at him like she had when he cried over toy story.

"it's not over." she said gently, and she knew it wasn't. "you and kaitlyn- you're made for each other. you're each other's other half. you get each other. you connect. one little fight doesn't end something like that forever. i honestly wouldn't be surprised if you two get married a few years down the line."

the last part was an exaggeration meant to give him hope for the future, but as she said it, she realized that there was a chance she was right. even knowing her parents and having met blake lively and ryan reynolds, who were madly in love, as well as tom and zendaya, she didn't think she'd ever seen two people who were more right for each other. and leena was usually right about these things - she'd predicted tomdaya from the moment they first appeared onscreen together.

"should i text her now?"

"give her time to cool off. she's probably crying too." leena immediately realized she'd said the wrong thing. just the thought of kaitlyn's heart being broken practically split his in two. his crying, which had slowed to a few sniffles, was back in full swing.

she pulled him into another hug. "it'll be okay, i promise. watch the bachelor with me? and please don't text aleena. her name is too much like mine and i hate that girl."

he sniffed and nodded, beginning to believe what leena had said. you're made for each other.

it'll be okay.

but even so, she probably hated him right now.

hanging out with aleena once couldn't hurt?

author speaks !
hi guys! how are we feeling??

vote and comment idc if u hate me rn 🙄

i've had levitating by dua lipa stuck in my head for the past week why does it lowk slap now that i don't hear it 24/7

i'm watching little dancing fruits while i do my homework like a literal toddler

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