Chapter 4

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I carry my paints out into the living room, my easle already set up and pascal perched on my right shoulder. But out of nowhere I hear rustling outside my window, then someone clearly trying to climb up.
Without hesitation, I blow out the lights and race for my frying pan, which was the first heavy thing I could think of, then hide myself against the wall, ready to swing the minute this thing enters.

I want to believe its mother, but she'd be pretty early, she's not supposed to be back for a few hours yet. And she's always left and returned on time.

As I clutch onto the frying pans handle, I try my best to steady my breathing, making sure I'm not immediately spotted and caught.
I can't imagine what would happen if I was. I bet I'd be dragged away and put on some stall as merchandise, or they'll strip me of my hair, realise it dies when it's cut and ultimately leave me crying on the carpet.
The sound of the metal outside starts to get louder, to get closer, and that, mixed with the thoughts, cause a shiver to charge up my spin.

No. Rapunzel. Calm down. They aren't going to hurt you, because you'll strike them before they even have a chance to blink.
Sure, have you ever had to hit anything besides a snake before? Nope. But theirs nothing stopping you from making that list longer.
And maybe, you can prove to mother your strong enough to go out into the real world. Because if you can, then it'll be one of those win win situation's.

I quickly realised I'm talking to my head to much and should probably focus back on the task at hand. So I raise my hands, and my frying pan, around the side of my head, and swing the second the person crept inside.
I watch as their head snaps to the opposite side and their body falls face first onto the carpet. I jump back with something like a yelp, hiding behind one of my clothing dummies while I make sure they aren't still awake.

Though, that would be pretty hard since these frying pans are pretty hard on the head.
I would know after having this exact one hit my on the head multiple times.

After a few seconds, the person hasn't moved an inch, so I light a candle, set it on the window sill, and shimmy myself closer to...


Ok, I shouldn't have assumed but mother has only ever really warned me about men. And sure, I have never actually seen a man before, but as I brush aside their short black hair, I'm almost certain she's a girl.

A fairly pretty girl... If I'm being totally honest.

But that's just an observation.

I can't help but feel slightly bad for hitting her. As she lays here now... Her face glowing in the candles dim, orange light... she-

Nope. She's awake. Nope no nopity nope nope.

I pull back and hit her again, making a mental note that, man or women, people are still dangerous, and I shouldn't jump to conclusions that just because she's a... Noticeably attractive girl... Doesn't mean she's not hear to hurt me.

I pace the floor in front of Pascal as I try and decide what to do with the literal body on my floor! I can't just leave her there, but I don't exactly have a place to move her... Unless...
I spin on my heel and look over at the closet, realising quickly that it's probably the right size to fit her body...

No. Rapunzel. You can't shove a person in a closet.

Or can I...?

I twist my neck so I'm looking at Pascal.

"It wouldn't hurt that much, right? I mean, she's already out like a light, probably got a fair sized bruise on her head too. Not to mention she literally broke in! If you think about it it's the nicest hiding place." I explain, shrugging my shoulders. Pascal gives me a look, clearly one that says this isn't a good idea, but I decide to follow my head anyway.

What would pascal know? He's never had to hide a body before.

I don't think...

So despite his doubts, I walk over to the girl and try to pick her up.
Well, try is the wrong word, she really wasn't that heavy at all.
I lifted her from under her arms then wrapped mine around her waist.

And, I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice her soft her skin looked...

But putting that aside, I tried my best to get her into the closet and close the door just so she didn't fall out on top of me.

How I manged to actually pull it off, I have no idea. The task was starting to seem pretty impossible but I nailed it!

See mother? What do you mean I can't handle myself?
I have a whole human body in my closet.
What about this says I'm too weak to defend myself out there?

Ok... Despite the fact I just hit myself, once again, with my frying pan.

But these things are heavy, spinning them around isn't easy.

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