Chapter 13

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After a good few awkward minutes of silence between Cass and I, She decides to go collect wood for a fire a little later on while I sit down on the grass not to far from the lake.
But I quickly got bored and decided to roll my up skirt and dip my feet into the water, loving the feeling of the chilly liquid on my skin.

It was starting to get later but the sun was still determined to scorch us, making the cool water an absolute must.

How is it so hot so late? But I guess it is around the summer months, it makes sense to still be light and heated.

I take in a few deep breaths, closing my eyes as I lean back on my hands, enjoying the peace. Although I gradually pull myself back down to earth when I hear footsteps a little way behind me.

"Ok. Wood Aquired. Now when it gets dark we can- Rapunzel? Where'd you go?" I twist my head and see Cass standing by our spot with a fair amount of wood cradled in her arms...

...that I will admit are quite... Strong...

But that's just an observation. Because, of course, that wood surely isn't light.

"I'm over here," I shout over to her, making an effort to kick my feet. She heads over the second she spots me.
"For a second I thought you changed your mind and ran." She gives me this rustic, yet soft laugh while taking a seat beside me. I feel my smile tug on my lips a little more.
"Now why would I do that? I have no reason too." I remark casually, tilting my head off to the side. She looks at me at first, but then turns her focus onto the water.
"I just... I don't have that many friends, and the ones I have made, ran the minute they got to know me. It's no big deal, I thrive on solitude. But sometimes..." I feel as though she stopped speaking literally, but I could somehow hear the rest of her sentence.
"I get that... I mean, I've grown up with no one besides my mother... I don't even know how to make friends!" I let out a small laugh, trying to brighten up the mood just a little. "But I understand why you'd be scared to show yourself to people after losing others... But for the record," That somehow makes her looks back at me, "I like this thing you have going on. Your bad ass, rough exterior that protects your sentimental, loyal heart you have hiding in there." I go to rest my hand on my chest, but remember what she said about disliking physical touch, so I pull away again.

Unfortunately she noticed what I was going to do...

She glances down at my hand, that is now floating awkwardly between us, and coughs in that way people do to cover something else up. I bring my hand back the rest of the way and brush my hair back, laughing.

"Haha, sorry uh- sorry I forgot you don't like being touched... I was just uh- tryna get across my point..." I fumble over my words all the while she stares around, almost dumbfounded.

That's the reason she's flustered. Right? Because she doesn't like people touching her? If she did, that would be a totally normal thing to do...


"So, uh- why did you come over here again?" I don't know how I heard some plea to change the subject, but somehow I did. I immediately stop asking myself questions and pretend as though nothing happened.
"Oh yeah, I was starting to feel pretty warm so I thought coming over here to cool down would help," I brush off, kicking my legs again. I see her look at me, then at the water, then watch as some idea clearly forms in her head.

I could see a divious spark appear in her eyes...

... Not that- Not that I was already looking into her eyes... I was just- I just noticed it accidentally...

"The sun's definitely hot enough to dry you off again right?" She asks, but doesn't seem to be directly asking me. I face her with a confused look.
"Uhm, I guess. Why?" I assumed she just was talking about my legs drying in the sun or something, so I brushed it off quite quickly...

But I shouldn't have.

I could see a playful smirk toy with her lips as she jumped up from her stop, edged closer to me, then I fell in so motion as she pushed me into the lake. Her laugh was soon muffled by the water that filled my ears.

At first, I wasn't worried, I didn't mind the harmless prank... But then I realised the water was alot deeper than I thought... And by a lot I mean I was unable to stand with my head above the surface. I struggled and struggled to float but am doomed by my lack of swimming experience...

I have no idea how to swim-


As a way to pick up the mood I thought a harmless prank would've done some good, after all, it's my... My way of showing appreciation? I don't know, but it was the only thing I could come up with, and if I'm being honest, I didnt quite think it through before I did it.

I assumed the lake wasn't that deep, since it wasn't a large one, but when Rapunzel didn't pop right back up straight away, I stopped my laughter and looked over into the water, spotting her blonde hair, but no girl.

Oh shit-

Suddenly, a clearly panicked looking girl flapped her way up to the top like some headless chicken and only just was able to grab some air. I'm filled with instant regret when I hear her frightened screams.

"I... Can't... Swim!" She continues to struggle, one word sentences escaping with every small breath she's able to grasp, then she starts too sink again.

"Oh for- Rapunzel!" I cry out, throwing aside my shoes and top, leaving me in just my leggings and sports bra before diving in to save her. I quickly spotted the scared girl, but she became more relaxed when I wrapped my arms around her. I gave her a look, squeezed her just a little tighter, than carried her tiny figure up to the surface.

I carefully layed her down on the grass, brushing her hair out of her face as she coughed up the water she accidently swallowed. I watched the girls body shake out of fear and most likely from the sudden change of temperature, I reach over for my top I threw aside on purpose and hand it to her. She sits up and slowly takes it from me.

"Oh my god Raps I am so sorry! I had no idea, but now of course it makes sense that you can't swim, you've never touched water! I'm so fucking sorry I wasn't thinking and I didn't mean too-" She slides my top, that is clearly a size up from her, over her head and wraps her arms around herself while giving me a sad smile.
"It's ok Cass, you didnt-" Just as she's about to say something to stop me from apologising, she comes to a immediate hault and stares straight at me.

"Wait... What did you just call me?"

"What? I uh- I didn't-" Did I seriously just give her a nickname? After specifically saying on multiple occasions that 'Cass' was stupid? Yes. Yes I guess I did...

... Why did I do that?

"It's nothing. sorry. I was just- you were just-"

The next thing I know, Rapunzel has fallen sideways and rested her head on... my bare shoulder... Warming up in... My top...

What in the world is happening?
And for God's sakes what the fuck is burning my god damn cheeks!

"Don't say sorry Cass... I like it, it's cute..." Her voice is quiet, small, soft, as if she'd immediately forgotten who almost killed her.

And did she just say... Cute...?

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