Chapter 6

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I pick up my frying pan once again, preparing myself for anything. I'm going to pull away this chair, but I have no idea what'll happen when I do.

If this girl was here to make friends, I doubt she'll be thinking the same when she realises she's been shoved in a closet.

I slowly drag the chair backwards, Pascal watching me from the side, and wait for her to jump out. But, to my surprise, she doesn't. Instead, she flops forward, her brain still unable to send commands to her body.

She's still knocked out... Which makes this next part a lot easier.

I walk towards her, lifting her up again and sitting her down on said chair, then I think about how to stop her from getting up. It's not like I have any rope or-
Actually, Now I think of it... My hair's definitely long enough...

I find the end of my hair and start tying her ankles and wrists to the chair, still giving myself plenty of length to hide up on the roof beams.
While I wrap my hair around her wrists, though, I finally give myself a minute to study her face...
Her pitch black hair, that somehow isn't messy despite the situation she's in, falls either side of her face perfectly, the colour contrasting the her skin tone. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, a faint pinkish pigment colouring them.
And her lips... The natural redness of them fits with the rest of her look, and somehow, her lips, along with her skin, looks as if they'd be soft to the touch... Even though she doesn't strike me as the type to have soft features.

Maybe I-

No. Rapunzel. Back away from the literal tresspasser. Stop studying every small feature and remember the situation.

Even if her features are extremely...

Rapunzel. Stop it. I don't think she wants you right up in her face.

I finally listen to my head and swing up onto the beams holding up the roof, my frying pan in hand as I pull her into my candles light.
Then I wait for her to wake up. Which may have taken a bit longer than I'd have liked.


I'm woken by a strange feeling in my ear. I force my eyes wide open and turn to look over my shoulder, quickly spotting a chameleon sitting on my shoulder, his eyes staring into mine while his tounge is stuck in my ear.
Out of instinct I jump, causing him to retract his tounge and run down my arm and into the darkness.

Ok... What the- Where the fuck am I?

I feel a throbbing pain appear at the back of my head, and go to grasp it with my hand, but that's when I realise I... I can't move.
I start to feel more panicked as I struggle to break free from the robe-

Wait a minute... This isn't robe. I'm trapped in hair. I'm literally trapped in hair. How the actual-

"Struggling.. Struggling is pointless!" I hear a unfamiliar, high pitched voice coming from the celling.

Somehow, I get a puzzle piece of my memory back and start to remember what i was doing before I passed out.
I climbed up here looking for that theif, and to be honest, I thought for a minute that I'd just been caught.

But the theif I was looking for is a guy... And this voice definitely belongs to a girl.

Ok. So I've just broken into some girls house. Good on you cassandra. Well done.

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