Chapter 17

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I pull myself from Cass and try my best to ignore the weird feelings that suddenly engulfed my mind and body. I pull my smile tighter and skip down the path we were on, walking on a little ahead Cass even though I have no idea where I'm going.

I don't think I know exactly what words to use to describe what just happened back there, but I have some ideas. I mean, I've read a lot of romance books where something similar happens between the characters... But they were usually... Between a man and women...

And even so, that couldn't have been what was happening.. Can't it? I mean, I don't know anything about how friends act... So maybe it's also a friend thing? Definitely. It has to be.

But... I definitely wanted her too-

"Hey Raps, wrong way!"

Wait what?


"Rapunzel! Wait!"

Suddenly, two arms wrap themselves around my waist, tightening their grip and pulling me away from the cliff I had seemingly turned a blind eye too.

I should probably stop getting so stuck in my head while I'm out here...

My immediate thought was that Cass had caught me, but Cassandra's arms are a lot... Uh- thinner. Their strong, but definitely still thinner.

The realisation causes me to spin around and push them away in an act of panic.

"Woah Woah, easy there, I'm sorry." The guy throws up his hands in defense as he takes a few steps backwards. His short brown hair shaping the outside of his face. "I just saw you about to fall, I didn't wanna let a pretty-"

Before he had time to finish his sentence, he was dragged aside and held right beside the edge by his shirts collar.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Cassandra's voice was almost dead sounding, but extremely sharp. It's almost the exact same voice I heard back in that bar yesterday...
"I didn't- I only stopped her from falling. I didn't do anything wrong!" His hands were still either side of his face, trying to portray his innocence, but Cass wasn't buying it.
"I have every reason to just drop you right now. Give me one good reason I shouldn't." I could see the daggers in her eyes, threatening to pierce him right through. I try to calm her down, but it's almost like she's blocked me out.

"Cass he-"

"Its funny, if I were in uniform right now I'd be dragging your ass to prison." It was clear by his lack of response and quick breaths that he was struggling. I try and get her attention again.


"well you can't do that if I- if I'm dead now- C-can you..." He replies in a monotone, yet croaky like voice.
"Haha. Oh you think your so fucking funny don't you?"


"You dirty, no good, predatorial little rat! I swear to the heavens above if you think your going to get away with touching her then you have another thing coming. I'm not afraid of a little more blood on my-"

"Cass! Stop!" I finally shout, causing her head to immediately snap sideways. Her expression softens the minute she's facing me. "Let him go... He can't breath!"
"Y- Yeah- L-Listen to your friend there-" He stutters, nodding his head after every syllable.

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