Chapter 27

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A/N: Hey reader!! So this chapter is a little shorter but that's just because chapter 28/29 are pretty big ones and I kinda needed a smaller filler to use almost as a teaser ahaha


"Rapunzel? What's going on up there?"

The air in my room grew thick and heavy, and I felt something at the pit of my stomach, something that causes a sickening feeling to brew in my throat. I swallow and swallow, trying to fight it back, and just about manage to walk to my door way and force open the curtains. Breathing heavily.

So many thoughts are swirling around my head I can hear any of them properly, but while I try to, a forced answer just about passes through my lips.

"I'm... I'm that little girl... The lost princess..." I mumble away to myself. Standing with my hands either side of me, holding back my curtains, with my head hanging and my eyes wandering to the floor.
Saying the words out loud worked, a little, at least, it set a fraction of my mind straight. But then I forgot about who was walking up the stairs...

"Again Rapunzel with the mumbling. Speak up girl!"

Even though a part of me was scared to repeat myself, the words solidified and escape my lips despite my protests. I let go of the curtains, letting them fall closed behind me, and straighten my posture a little more.

Feeling the most scared, yet the most confident I've ever felt.

"I'm- I'm the lost princess. Aren't I?"

I watched her freeze still half way up the stairs. Her eyes widened and her expression stiffened from what I can only assume is shock. I stared down at her, a new type of confidence having been almost injected into my veins as I carelessly speak down to the women I used to trust with my life.

"Did I mumble? Mother?" Referring to her as 'mother' suddenly doesn't feel right, for multiple different reasons, but the main one being the fact that I know she's not, not really, not biologically, not truly. So as I say the word, a dreaded taste forms at the end of my tongue.

That's the last time I'll ever be calling her that.

"What did you just say?"
"You heard me." She doesn't show signs of giving me any type of decent replies, so I start walking down the stairs and push past her, my world suddenly spinning and my vision blurring as a brand new emotion starts to boil inside of me.

Anger? Maybe. Or at least something not far off.

"You have no idea what your talking about child. Your clearly out of your head, did you have one of those stupid dreams again?" The way her voice starts ringing in my ears makes me want to scream, scream words I'd have never dared to even think about until now. I squeeze my eyes shut and bring my hands to my head.
"I'm.. I'm not crazy. I'm not!" A laugh follows my words, chasing after them like a child. "I know I'm not! You can't keep tricking me!"
"Rapunzel stop this-"
"No! This whole time, you've been hiding me away up here 'for my own safety' to 'protect me from the world', but actually, the only thing I needed to be protected from, is you!" I snap around to face her, fiery tears drowning my eyes in pools of boiling water. "You took me! You took me from my family! My real family! You STOLE me! And you've kept me hidden from them ever since I was a baby!" My breathing picks up it's pace as she takes a few steps closer to me.
"Girl your stressed, you must sit down and relax your going-"

She makes an effort to reach her hand out to my hair, going to grab a few strands, but I wrap my palm around her wrist and stop her just in time, and I possess just enough strength to keep her away, and then I push her back.

"Don't you dare try and make this out to be another of my 'delusions'. I'm right and you know it! The least you could do is own up to what we both know you've done!" I spit as she practically falls backward. I cross my arms over my chest as a way of showing my frustration, but they soon dropped down to my sides the minute her demeanour changed...

"Fine? You want me to be the bad guy?" She started, the muscles in her face shifting in a way I've never seen before. I start to back up, my anger and confidence being replaced with an indescribable amount of fear.

"Now, I'm the bad guy."


As me and Fidella are racing through the forest, leaping over every fallen branch and charging through every puddle of mud, even while the rain starts to pour, there is only one thing on my mind.

One person.


I must've scoured every inch of this forest by now, but she's no where to be seen, I've not even heard a thing sound besides the chirping of crickets, the hoots from the night owls, and the sound of Fiddle's hooves colliding violently with the earth. She's no where. She's completely gone! vanished into thin air! I can't think where else I can lo-

Never mind.

I know.

"Fidella! Keep going girl! It's ok, this is the last stop. I promise."

I hope she's here. She has to be here.

We make our way back to the tower, the place where everything started, and a strange feeling brewed in the pit of my stomach, filling me with something I've never felt before. I can't seem put a name to it, but one thing I know for sure is that I hate it, and that it's not going away any time soon.

In record time, we reach the tunnel leading to the clearing the tower is built in, and tell Fidella to stay close to the tunnel's opening, to take a quick break here while I go the rest of the way.
Which she does.
And I approach the tower, which suddenly has an eerie feel to it now...

Rather than bright, colourful flowers, and gorgeous green vines and moss decorating the structure, the colours are all dim, looking almost like shades of grey. The crystal clear sky, that was letting its pale blue shade colour the glistening water of the fall behind, is now covered thick with grey clouds that are disrupting the peace of the water below, it's heavy raindrops causing multiple ripples to appear. Even the wind, that was non existent before hand, is wind and unpredictable, causing the once still grass to fly off in another direction.

Something about the change is making me believe I'm walking into something I shouldn't be. But having that in mind, makes me want to get up there even more, even faster.

She's here.

Something is almost whispering those words to me, and every fibre of my being is believing it.

I know she's here.

And I'm not leaving without her. I'm going to get her away from this place.

Even if it's just her that makes it out of all this alive...

Because there's also something telling me that's a very real possibility...

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