Chapter 18

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"Alright, they said they'd help. Cmon!" I slip my hand around her wrist and guide her over to the small cluster of girls. I can sense a small about of worry in her voice as she introduces herself, but I reassure her that she'll be fine, that her hair will be fine.

The girls agreed to do up her hair so it wouldn't get in the way anymore, and they Adored the way her long hair looked, so she's in safe hands I'm sure.

She's whisked away by them the second they can do so, and I watch from a nearby wall as they gradually straighten, twist and braid her hair into whatever masterpiece they have in their heads.

Honestly, when I saw them admire their work after adding the final flower, I could help but notice my breath getting caught in my throat. She twirled around, standing gracefully with her head looking over her shoulder as she admired her own hair, that was no only just touching the floor, and I watched every drop of anxiety she had disappear.

She really does look... Stunning...

"Woah girls... Great job..." my words are quiet and slow as I continue to... Admire her, but I look away briefly to give them each a high-five.

"Cassss! Look!" She sings, still twirling around like a princess in a ball gown. I chuckle, folding my arms across my chest.
"It looks good, really good." I compliment once again, tilting my head as I notice a warm yellow light embrace her.

But my mood changed when I noticed them all immediately turn around to me, all four girls looking at me with hopeful eyes...

... Oh no.

"Nope. Nope sorry, I don't do putting my hair up. You did a great job, don't get me wrong, but your not touching mine." I snap away my head, my own hair bouncing in the air as I moved. I hoped they'd accept my no and walk away, but when I turned around, they were still looking at me with some stupid puppy dog eyed look. Even Rapunzel joined in!

"Oh cmon Cass!" She brought her hands together as if she was literally about to beg for me to let them.
"But my hair isn't even that long," I state in a newly found, duh-like tone, grabbing the ends of my hair that only just sit above my shoulder. "What on earth would you even do with it?"
"I'm sure they can figure out something. Please do this! For me?" She crept a little closer, her pleading eyes looking up at mine. I try and fight it, to keep standing my ground...

... But I'll admit, the 'for me?' ended up getting to me...

"Ugh, fine! Fine. Go ahead." I throw my hands in the air, showing them they'd won, telling them I'd caved, and they immediately jumped, Rapunzel included.

I took a seat on the side of the fountain and sat impatiently as my hair was pulled and tied up, not nessassary in a rough way, it didn't hurt, but I still didn't like it...

... But I suppose Rapunzel's smile was worth it...

When they were done, they pulled out a mirror and showed me my new hairstyle. They'd tied it up into a fairly high pony-tail and stuck small blue flowers around where the band was.

Ok... So I didn't hate it, but I'm still sure I don't like the way I look with-

"Cass! You look... Amazing! It's so pretty!"

-you know what? Never mind.

We both say our goodbyes to the girls and start making our way further into the island.

Seeing Rapunzel get distracted by every little, sight, sound and smell brought me back to yesterday when we had just left her tower, but now, I feel I understand a bit better. I feel like I understand her a bit better.

And I'll be completely honest, the island does look beautiful! It's covered in purple and yellow streamers, the kingdoms crest plastered on everything. And I don't think there's a single spot that doesn't have a string of golden fairy lights dangling off. I can't believe I've never seen the kingdom like this before...

... Why was this all kept from me?

We approach a small market in the center of the island. The stalls are sitting on the outskirts, making a fairly large circle in the middle for people to walk around.
I feel like I have to chase after her as she bounces off of the stalls like a ping pong ball.

Eventually, I grab some spare coins from my pocket and hand them over to her, giving her a chance to get something to remember this moment, and while she scans every single product, I lean against a wall and take a quick breather.

Now I think of it, I'm surprised I've not had someone recognise me yet. but since I'm not in my usual gown, and I'm not usually out for this certain celebration, that people just haven't noticed me?
I don't mind, though. If they had noticed me, I'd feel a lot more awkward around Rapunzel, specially since I'm not these people's favorite person.

I have no idea why, but it seems to kingdom collectively just have this one thing against me, even though I'm sure I've not actually done anything, besides be myself, that is.

You know what. That might be it.

People here know I'm different, that I don't quite fit into place with how they are, how they live, how they act.
They run on pure sunlight, embracing the suns gift and living every day as if it were their only. They celebrate things every day, cherishing every little thing that happens.
But I... I'm not at all like that. I feel like I revolve around the moon, loving and thriving the nighttime, the quietness, the peace of the filling me with some form of comfort I never found anywhere else. I'm dark, reserved, mysterious, I guess. I refuse to open up and 'shine', because I just don't do that like these guys do.

But I've never felt bad about that, I'm different, but I'd rather be different. I'll fight of the stares and whispers forever if It means I don't have to be a copy and paste of the rest of the kingdom.

I realised that, while I was picking at my mind, I'd lost sight of Rapunzel in a rapidly growing crowd of people singing and dancing.
I tear myself from the wall and curse under my breath, scanning the area for her, but she was almost camouflaged.

I bring my palm to my forehead, pressing it against my skin as I sighed. But just as I look up, I notice a separate crowd moving away from...

... A... Memorial?

It was almost completely covered with flower bouquets, paintings, lanterns, and other gifts wrapped in multiple shades of purple, but I could tell it was definitely a memorial nonetheless.

But the only faces I could see were...

I took a few steps closer...

My... Parents?

But what-?

I tried to see through the mountain of gifts covering the lower half of the painting, but I was whisked away before I had chance...

crossing the line AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang