Chapter 24

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Even though I refused to stop struggling, the other guards still managed to throw me onto the nearest horse, riding off without a second thought, barely giving me a chance to think before they start racing towards the bridge.

I wanted to throw myself off and run backwards, but even I'm not that stupid, we're going way to fast for me to label my injuries after as a 'light scrap'.

But I have to do something, I can't leave her now, not after everything that... Happened.

I don't want her to see me as that type of person.

I'm not.

We reach the bridge in record time, but we only get about half the way across before I forced us to a stop.

It wasn't easy, but threatening to throw myself over the edge soon brought back their senses, they stopped dead in their tracks the moment the words left my mouth.

"What the-?" They all question me, stunned, frozen into place, but I ignore them.
I jump off of whatever horse I was sat on the back of and ran to the edge, looking over the wall at the spot I'd left Rapunzel, hoping I could still see her there.

And I did... But she wasn't on her own...

Mother fu-

"Alright I need to borrow a horse, right now." I order, my eyes not looking away from Rapunzel until it's absolutely nessassary to turn around. They all took too long to answer so I snapped my head and glared at their stupid, indecisive faces.
"Sorry princess, but we-"
"oh for fucks sake." I fought the voice in me telling me to just run for it and the voice telling me to just steal the one closest to me that was just as loud.
I brought my fingers to my forehead, a frustrated laugh escaping my lips.

"I have a name. Fucking use it! And I'm being nice, don't exhaust it and just hand me over a horse. I'll make it home soon enough on my own." I push out my other hand, planting my feet into the concrete, refusing to move an inch. But they seem to do the same thing.

Welp. I tried.

"I swear to god if you guys keep me away from her any longer, you won't even get to know what hit you. And that's a fucking promise." My tone promised death, and I couldn't care less if I scared them. I mean it.
I watch all of them back away, but notice one familiar face step forward. He pauses, looks at the others, then hands over the reins he was holding.


I carefully take the reins Noah handed over, my eyebrow slightly raised at the fact he didn't snatched them back. I watch the lighter brown horse, her black hair bunched up into a plate like ponytail, pass in front of me and pause. I look between her and Noah, stunned to say the least.

"Take Fidella, she'll get you back there in no time. And I apologise for Blake, really." He smiles in my direction, and once I understood what he was saying, I calmed myself down.
I wasn't quite smiling but I was appreciative.

"Thank you."

I left quickly before they decided to change their minds, not stopping until I was back where Rapunzel was. Noah was right, Fidella is pretty fast, we wasted no time getting back.

But, to my annoyance, Rapunzel and Blake were gone by the time we arrived.

I dismounted Fidella, throwing her an apple out of the bag attached to her saddle, and search around the area. But the only thing left was the boat.

I kicked a nearby stone in frustration, in an attempt to let my anger out in a relatively safe way, it flew forward and crashed into a bush, hitting the ground with a thud.
I raise my hands to my head, gripping on and facing down. But because of the hairband holding up my hair, I couldn't grip onto it properly, so I tore the band out and threw it to the floor. Completely ignoring the pain that action caused.

I tried my best, but I couldn't stop the sea of angry tears that were quickly welling up. When they finally ran down my cheeks, I gave in.

"fucking hell!" I curse, punching the boat beside me. It stung, but there are parts of me that are hurting more.

My breathing started to pick up it's pace fast, and it didn't take long for my head to start spinning. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to passing out, but I couldn't stop myself.

Fidella soon catches me from falling, using her head to push me back up right again just before my knees hit the earth. I thank her by brushing the back of her neck with my hand, and force myself to take some deep breaths.

"Thank you girl... I-" I thank breathlessly, large amounts of air passing with every word, but the sound of bushes russling makes me jump straight back up. I follow the noise and spot a particularly warn out gaurd fall out of the green.

My fists immediately clench at my sides.

"Where is Rapunzel?" I don't waste any time asking, his hands are on his knees, acting as his support, but when he hears my voice he pushes himself back up.
"What? Who?"
"The blonde girl, idiot. Where is she?" I hide my hands by crossing them over my chest, but I'm not sure it worked. I take a step towards him.

"Wait, why aren't you back at the castle?"
"I asked you a question first." I remind through gritted teeth, my nails piercing my palms skin in their usual fashion.

I can tell he was about to snap back with another stupid comment, or anything besides what I want, so I beat him too it.
I pull out my dagger, which I'm grateful to have back, and point it at his throat. His hands shoot up beside his head while his eyes look between me and the blade.

"I'm in no mood for games, so just tell me what way she went and you can walk away unharmed." I notice him swallow and try to back away, but I follow. He's scared, and he should be.
"God your scary, I don't understand why-"
"Answer. The. fucking. Question." I spit, tightening my grip on my daggers handle. I almost miss the direction he pointed in because of how fast he moved.

I don't bother to thank him, I just drop my arm and speed walk over to Fidella, climbing back up onto her saddle and riding in the direction he'd pointed in.

As we rode on, all my anger was soaked up by the ground which left me with nothing but worry. I frantically search around me, looking for any signs of Rapunzel, anything that told me where she was, anything that would point me in her direction, anything.

"I'm on my way Rapunzel... I promise."

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