[Moving in]

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Billy Hargrove's beloved car hummed along the country roads, his half-sister, Cherrilyn sitting contentedly on its leather seats beside him

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Billy Hargrove's beloved car hummed along the country roads, his half-sister, Cherrilyn sitting contentedly on its leather seats beside him. The crisp October air played with Cherry's dark hair, sending a chill down her back as she quietly observed the scenery passing by. She frowned at the sight of pumpkin patches and endless woods. Hawkins, Indiana was nothing like California. It was a far cry from the sunny streets and palm trees of the place she grew up in. She could already feel herself missing the beach.

As the car rolled on, Billy groaned loudly. It was evident he was just as unhappy about the move as Cherry was. She could see it in the tense set of his jaw and his tight grip on the steering wheel. The girl hesitated for a moment, her concern mingling as she glanced over at Billy. "You know, it might not be so bad," Cherry fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her voice faltering as she continued, "I mean, leaving can be... uh, hard, but... maybe it's an opportunity for... making friends." She trailed off, noticing Billy's continued silence.

She kept her voice slow and steady, almost as if she was talking to herself rather than to Billy. "I get it. Change is scary, and this... it's a big deal. But, maybe... maybe it's not all bad. I mean, you could always find some new girls, right..?" She stole a glance at Billy, but his expression remained stoic, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. A knot formed in Cherry's stomach as she realized he wasn't going to respond. Taking a deep breath, she pressed on, "In California, the girls all looked the same, maybe these ones will-"

"Cherry, will you shut the fuck up!" Billy's voice rose, his words cutting through the tension in the car. Cherry swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in her throat as she turned her gaze back to the window. "I just thought... never mind." Billy and Cherry's story began with their father, Neil. He was never satisfied, marrying Billy's mother, only to betray her with another woman. This resulted in the birth of Cherry, whose mother sadly passed away during childbirth. This left the baby girl to join Billy's already fragile family.

Later on, when Billy's mother left, though a horrible father, Neil took on the responsibility of raising both Billy and Cherry on his own. Neil's presence once hopeful became a source of fear for the kids growing up. For Billy, Neil's abuse was constant. Physical and verbal assaults became daily occurrences for the boy, turning his heart from warm to rather cold. His role as the elder sibling morphed into one of a protector, his every instinct put to shield Cherry from Neil's strong fists.

However, Cherry, too, bore the burden of Neil's rage, her innocence shattered by the reality of her childhood. She witnessed the toll it took on Billy, her heart breaking with each blow he'd had to endure. Yet, despite the fear that gripped the siblings on a daily, their bond grew stronger. Young Cherry tended to Billy's wounds, her small hands trembling as she carefully cleaned her brother's raw cuts and bruises. In return, Billy was the one who coaxed his younger sister out of her closet after one of Neil's episodes.

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