[A night to remember]

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With the music blowing softly through the car, Steve drove back toward the school, his eyes constantly drifting over to Cherry. He broke the silence, "Let me drive you home. I'd feel better if I knew you got back okay," he said earnestly, his vision drifting from the road back to Cherry. She couldn't help but grin at his concern, her cheeks still flushed from their evening together. "Billy will kill me if I don't bring his car home," Steve smile turned to a grimace, "Right." Cherry cleared her throat, "Plus, I still gotta bring Max home from the dance," she explained.

Steve nodded understandingly and perked up as if he'd remembered something important. "Yeah, I gotta drive Dustin home too," he replied, a hint of pride in his voice as he snorted at himself. Cherry smiled at him, her heart swelling as she leant back against the passenger seat to get a better look at him. "That's cute," Steve raised an eyebrow in confusion, a smile curving his lips. "What?" he asked confused. Cherry chuckled, "You know, just you and Dustin. It's nice to see." Steve's expression softened, a small smile playing on his lips as he looked forward. "Well, he's a good kid," he admitted. "He deserves it."

As they pulled up to the school, Cherry turned to Steve with a soft smile. "Thanks for tonight," she said sincerely, her eyes meeting his with gratitude. She'd truly had one of the best nights of her life. Steve returned her smile, his gaze warm as he twisted the keys to turn off the car. "It was my pleasure," he replied, his voice gentle. Cherry unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face Steve fully. "I noticed all the little efforts you made for me," she said softly, her heart feeling full. "And I just want you to know how much I appreciate it." Steve's eyes softened, "Sure," he whispered, leaning in closer. "You're worth it,"

Seconds after his sentence, their lips met in yet another soft, tender kiss. The two stayed there for a few minutes, their lips locked in a sweet embrace, savoring the moment before they reluctantly parted. However, if you asked Cherry, she wouldn't exactly be able to place a duration. With one last look, Cherry pursed her lips as she noticed Max standing impatiently in front of Billy's car, tapping her foot and eyeing Steve's car. She sighed, her hand stuck in his delicate grip. "I guess I better go," she said sadly, not wanting this to end.

Steve nodded, kissing her hand before she stepped out of the car. "Bye, Steve." She grinned, still blushing from the kiss. Steve smiled softly, watching her as she shut her door. He observed her from afar, Cherry scurrying to meet Max in front of Billy's car. He quickly rolled down the window, catching Dustin walking towards his car. "I'll call you," he called out to Cherry, his voice filled with promise. Cherry felt her cheeks flush at Steve's words, Dustin grimacing from across the street. Max smirked at her sister, her eyes wide as if demanding a silent explanation.

But, Cherry unlocked the car in silence, her mind still reeling from the evening's events. Max's smirk was practically an arch when they got into the car, and Cherry couldn't help but roll her eyes. "So...?" Max prodded, unable to contain her curiosity and excitement any longer. "It must've gone well if he said that!" she teased, inching closer to her sister. Cherry chuckled nervously, adjusting her seatbelt before starting the car. "Yeah, I guess," she replied, her cheeks pink as she pulled out of the parking lot. "I guess?? Or it did?" Max interrogated, clearly eager.

"He's just... He's really sweet," Max smiled knowingly, nodding her head in agreement. "Told you he was gonna like your outfit," she said triumphantly, the same smirk still playing on her lips. Cherry couldn't help but smile back, her mind reeling in amazement. This whole time, all it took for her to find someone was to move from California? Max clapped, bringing Cherry back to reality. "Hey, you realize you're driving, right?" The older girl huffed at Max's reminder, "Yes, I know." Max's lips fell into a straight line. "Don't lie,"

Cherry groaned, "Okay, fine. Sorry, I got a little lost in thought," she admitted sheepishly, focusing her attention back on the road. Max rolled her eyes playfully, her smirk returning. "Lost in thought... or lost in Steve?" she teased, nudging Cherry's arm. Cherry quickly swatted her sister's hand away. "Oh, shut up, that doesn't even make any sense!" she retorted, unable to hide the grin spreading across her face. "Whatever, Im going to need details though," Max declared, leaning in closer to Cherry. "All of them." Cherry laughed, her cheeks tinged with light pink. "We might be here awhile,"

Max soughed, "Cherry, please, just tell me!" she whined. Cherry looked over, "Well, first off, he got me flowers." Cherry gestured to the flowers sat in the back seat, Max nodding in satisfaction, "Okay," "And then, he rented out a whole restaurant, just for us," she continued, her excitement evident in her tone. Max's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth forming an 'O' shape. "Wow," Cherry nodded eagerly, a wide grin spreading across her face as she drove. "Yep," she confirmed. "And then-" She paused, her head turned back towards Max.

"Well, when we first met back at that Halloween party, he mentioned he'd show me around town sometime- And he actually did!" Cherry smiled to herself, her thoughts reminiscing her night. "We walked through the streets together, talking and just enjoying each other's company. It was nice." The girl sat up straighter, "And, he even held my hand!" Max's eyes were still wide, her vision set interested on her older sister. "And, then what?" she questioned. Cherry grinned, "Well, then we got back to his car and... He kissed me-" Max groaned, feigning annoyance while she interrupted. "Not those details!"

Cherry tilted her head, turning onto their street as she spoke. "You literally asked me for all of them," she pointed out, unable to contain her amusement. As Cherry pulled into their driveway, she turned off the ignition and glanced over at Max. Max nodded, her expression bright as she replied, "Whatever," They both got out of the car, Cherry pausing and turning back to go get her flowers before they entered the house. "So, how was the dance?" she asked, genuinely curious. Max shrugged, trying to hide the smile on her face. "It was good,"

Cherry frowned at Max's response. "Just good?" she repeated, her concern evident in her voice. Max turned back, her smile widening as she admitted, "I danced with Lucas." Cherry's smirked as she watched as Max enter the house before turning back to face the quiet night. With a mixture of thoughts swirling inside her, Cherry stayed outside for a moment longer, wanting to hold onto the warmth of the night before having to face the reality awaiting her inside. The cool night air wrapped around her body like a comforting blanket as she closed her pale eyes.

She took a deep breath, allowing herself to savor the memories of her evening with Steve. Whether it be the laughter or the kisses shared, Cherry never wanted to forget. It was a rare for her to get such a happy moment like this amidst the chaos that was her life. So, she held onto it tightly, letting those moments fill her with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. Longer than she'd even like to admit. When Cherry finally stepped inside, she was met with the sight of her father, the older man standing with his arms crossed, a stern expression etched on his face.

Billy was seated on the couch, his posture rigid just like when she'd left. Her father's gaze softened slightly as he noticed the flowers in her hands. "Who got you those?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and frustration. Cherry took a moment to gather her thoughts, a surge of nerves washing over her. She knew that her father wouldn't easily accept the idea of her going out someone, especially with Billy's hatred from Steve. She gulped, glancing at Billy and back to her father. She looked up, the flowers now hanging low. Steve Harrington was only the start of an inevitable chain of issues.

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