[The fight]

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Cherry's heart sank as she realized the identity of the approaching car

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Cherry's heart sank as she realized the identity of the approaching car. As Cherry acknowledged her brother's presence, a sense of unease settled over her. "Billy," she murmured, her heart sinking at the realization of the impending confrontation. "It's our brother," Max muttered, her voice tinged with fear. Steve's face fell as he turned to the two girls. "Your brother is Billy Hargrove?!" he exclaimed, his voice betraying a mix of disbelief and concern. Cherry nodded slowly, her mind racing with the implications of Billy's unexpected arrival.

"I thought you knew," Cherry replied quietly, her words barely audible over the revving engine. In Steve's mind, a flurry of thoughts swirled as he processed this new information. Well, this changed things, he thought. The tension in the air was palpable as they watched Billy's car screech to a halt outside. As Steve told them to hide, panic gripped the kids, fearing Billy's reaction if he saw them. "Just, stay here," Steve urged, his voice tense with apprehension. Shrinking beneath the window, the kids exchanged worried glances as they watched the interaction.

As they watched, tension thick in the air, Billy's eyes scanned the surroundings, lingering on the window where the kids huddled together. "Shit! Did he see us?" Dustin whispered urgently, their voices filled with fear as they shrunk back, hoping to avoid detection. Cherry led them away from the door, positioning herself in front of the group protectively. Though Billy was intimidating, he didn't scare her. Just as she prepared to step outside, Billy swung the door open, his anger clear in the popping vane on his forehead.

"Cherry," he greeted tersely, his tone laced with hostility. Cherry attempted to look behind him. searching for Steve but her brother slammed the door. "Billy, listen, it's not-" Cherry tried, but Billy cut her off, his gaze shifting towards Lucas. "Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise," he sneered, his eyes narrowing. Max, standing nearby, swallowed nervously. "I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max," Billy snapped, his voice dripping with menace. "Billy, go away," Max pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

Billy's eyes flashed with anger as he turned towards Max, his gaze piercing. "You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me," he growled, his threat hanging heavy in the air. "Billy, don't," Cherry warned, her voice tinged with desperation. But her words fell on deaf ears as Billy laughed, "I break things." The older boy lunged towards Lucas, aggressively pushing him into a cabinet. Max rushed to Lucas's defense, her voice pleading for Billy to stop, but he was relentless.

Cherry's heart raced as she watched the altercation unfold before her eyes. She moved to intervene, her fear outweighed by her urge to stop her brother. "Billy, stop it!" she shouted, her voice filled with urgency as she tried to push him away from Lucas. But her efforts were futile as Billy's strength proved overpowering, pushing her roughly against the wall. Lucas continued to struggle against Billy's grip, his attempts to fight back useless against the older boy's size and strength.

Desperation flooded the room as Max pleaded with Billy to stop, her voice trembling as she yelled. Seething, Billy held Lucas by the collar of his shirt, "Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her." Lucas tried to pull himself away but failed, "Let go of me!" "Stay away from her! You hear me?!" Billy repeated, his voice rising. In a last-ditch effort to defend himself, Lucas swiftly kneed Billy in the groin, causing the older boy to grunt in pain. "I told you to get off of me!

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