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Cherry raised an eyebrow as she spotted Max waiting for her and Billy at the end of the driveway, dressed in her usual clothes

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Cherry raised an eyebrow as she spotted Max waiting for her and Billy at the end of the driveway, dressed in her usual clothes. "Don't kids wear costumes anymore? It's Halloween!" she yelled down, a hint of confusion in her voice. Max shrugged sheepishly, kicking at a stray pebble on the pavement. "I dunno, I guess I just didn't feel like dressing up this year," she admitted, avoiding Cherry's gaze. Cherry frowned, "But it's Halloween! Everyone dresses up," she insisted, a note of incredulity in her tone.

Max looked the older girl up and down, "You aren't," Cherry pursed her lips, "That's not the point," Max's cheeks flushed, "I'm too old for that now," she confessed. Cherry perked up, "Really?" But before Max could respond, a voice interrupted from behind them. "Get in or you're walking," Billy called out, impatient as he entered his car. The girl's joined Billy in his car, and they soon arrived at school. Cherry headed to her locker, while Billy got distracted by a girl at the entrance.

As Cherry gathered her books, Robin crept up behind her, causing her to jump. "Happy Halloween!" Robin exclaimed, making Cherry laugh as they walked to class together. Cherry glanced over her shoulder at Billy, who was still engrossed in conversation with the girl from earlier. "Looks like Billy found some company," Robin remarked with a smirk. Cherry followed her gaze, pretending to puke. "Gag me with a spoon." Robin smirked yet again, "Oh, he's definitely going to be late for class."

Cherry shook her head at the thought of what might go on between the pair. "Not our problem." As they walked on through the crowded halls, Robin grinned mischievously, "So, about Tina's party tonight..." Cherry raised an eyebrow, "Who's Tina?" Robin chuckled, "Right, you're new." She went on, "Tina's just another prissy rich girl in Hawkins. She's a senior and her parties are always... interesting." Cherry nodded slowly, trying to piece together the school's social dynamics. "Interesting... how?" Robin searched for the right words as she leant in closer, "I dont know... like a soap opera but with loud music, sweat and alcohol."

Cherry's eyebrows raised, "Sounds... eventful." "That's one way to put it. But, hey, it's Halloween, right? Perfect excuse to party," She joked. Cherry nodded slowly, a hint of excitement creeping into her expression. "Alright, you have my interest," Robin grinned, "Now, you just need a costume!" Distracted with what the evening offered, the school day had flown by in a blur. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Cherry hurried to her brother's car. She promised to meet up with Robin at the party later. "See you tonight, Robin!" Cherry called over her shoulder as she made her way to the parking lot.

"Can't wait!" Robin replied, flashing a grin before disappearing into the crowd of students. Cherry reached Billy's car and sat perched on the back of it. Time passed, her brother showing up with his arms crossed sternly in front of him. He glanced at his watch as Max skated over on her skateboard. "You're late again," Billy grumbled, frustration evident in his tone. Max bit her lip, her gaze shifting. "Yeah, I had to catch up on homework." He groaned, "I don't care. You're late again, and you're skating home."

Cherry shot her brother a disapproving look, "Billy, come on..." "Do you hear me?" Billy's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument. Max nodded reluctantly, her shoulders slumping in defeat as the three climbed into the car. As they drove away, Billy made sure the radio was blaring in the background. "God, this place is such a shithole," He muttered, his irritation still evident. Max shrugged, "It's not that bad." Billy rolled down the window and took a long deep breath. "Mmm! You smell that, Max? That's actually shit—cow shit." Max wrinkled her nose. "I don't see any cows."

Billy smirked, "Clearly, you haven't met the high-school girls." Cherry sighed from her spot on the backseat. She tried to change the subject. "Can we please not talk about women like that?"Billy's stubbornness seemed to amplify, disregarding Cherry's plea to change the subject. "So what, you like it here now?" Billy challenged, his tone accusatory as he eyed the ginger beside him. The girl shook her head, "No." "Then why are you defending it?" Billy pressed on. "I'm not," Max insisted, her voice wavering. Billy scoffed, "Sure sounds like it."

Max threw her head back as she tried to explain, "It's just... we're stuck here, so..." "Hmm," Billy grunted skeptically. "You're right. We're stuck here. And whose fault is that?" Max hesitated before reluctantly answering, "Yours." "What'd you say?" Billy's tone turned aggressive. "Nothing," Max replied quickly, avoiding eye contact. Cherry shook her head to herself, this was not going to end well. "Did you say it's my fault?" Billy's voice rose with anger. "No," Max denied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You know whose fault it is," Billy demanded, his tone growing more menacing. Max swallowed hard before finally giving in. "Say it." "Max..." Cherry's voice interjected softly, a plea for calm. "You don't have to," But Billy wasn't letting go. "Say it," he repeated, his eyes fixed on Max. "Say it!" Cherry felt the car speed up, her body jerking forward. "Billy, slow down," She pleaded, her voice tinged with concern. But Billy seemed unfazed, his attention still fixated on Max. She too gulped from the front seat, "Billy, stop!" "Oh, these your new hick friends?" he taunted.

Max shook her head frantically, "No! I don't know them." Billy's grin widened, "I guess you won't care if I hit 'em, then? I get bonus points if I get 'em all in one go?" Max's voice grew more urgent. "No, Billy, stop. It's not funny." "Stop it, Billy!" Cherry's voice cracked with fear, her hands gripping the seat tightly. Ignoring his sisters, Billy revved the engine, his laughter filling the air. "Billy, come on, stop it," Cherry tried again, her heart in her throat as they approached the young boys on their biked."It's not funny. Stop!" Max added, her voice trembling with anxiety.

But Billy continued to laugh recklessly as he swerved the car. The vehicle returning to normal speed, Cherry quickly reacher for Max. "Are you okay?" She asked, her concern evident in her tone. Max quickly nodded, her eyes wide with fright as she glanced back at the boys they narrowly avoided hitting. Cherry's frustration surged as she fixed her gaze on her brother. "And you? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Billy's smirked, "Me?" This only fueled her anger. "Yes, you! You could have seriously hurt someone!" "But I didn't," he retorted casually. "But you could have!" Cherry snapped back, her concern overshadowed by her irritation.

"Who cares? I was just having a little fun," Billy shrugged, unfazed by his sister's admonishment. "You don't need to be such a bitch about it." Cherry's eyes narrowed, "Fun? Fun?! You call that 'fun'?" she spat, her words laced with anger and concern. "Yeah, loosen up, Cher," Billy replied, his tone flippant as he reached to turn up the radio. Cherry's frustration peaked, her hands trembling with emotion. "Loosen up? You could have killed someone, Billy! What is wrong with you?" Max remained silent, her eyes darting between Cherry and Billy.

Billy rolled his eyes, "Relax, Cherry. Seriously, no one got hurt." "That's not the point!" Cherry exclaimed, "You need to-" Billy scoffed before she could finish her sentence, "Please, spare me the lecture, Mom." Cherry's jaw clenched. "You know what? Forget it. I can't deal with you right now." With that, she turned away, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window. As they pulled into the driveway, Cherry wasted no time in grabbing her bag and storming out of the car. Max hesitated for a moment before following suit. She shot Billy a wary glance as she exited the vehicle, "You know, you're a real piece of work."

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