[The flowers]

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Cherry rolled her eyes and entered the kitchen, her father following her into the other room. He narrowed his eyes yet again, "I said where did you get those flowers from, young lady?" he demanded, his tone stern. Cherry's mind raced as she searched for a plausible explanation. "I... um, I bought them," she stammered, her voice wavering slightly as she pursed her lips. Her father's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "You bought them?" he repeated, his tone incredulous.

"With what money, exactly? You know we're tight on cash right now!" Cherry's cheeks flushed with guilt as she struggled to come up with a response. She searched for an answer, groaning as she threw Billy's car keys onto the kitchen counter. "I know, I just, wanted something nice for the new house," However, as if on cue, Billy entered the room, his expression dark with anger. He took one look at the flowers on the counter and let out a derisive snort, snatching his keys back.

Neil, glanced between his two kids, sensing the tension in the air. He watched Billy shove his keys back into his pockets, the older boy grimacing at his younger sister in disgust. "Billy, what's going on here?" Neil questioned, his voice rising with concern. Billy's jaw clenched, his fists tightening at his sides. Maybe if Cherry hadn't betrayed him like this, he would've covered for her. However, overcoming his guilt from the accidental punch at his sister's jaw, Billy blamed the situation on none other then Steve Harrington.

"You want to know where those flowers came from, Dad? Ask Cherry. She'll tell you," he said, his tone dripping with bitterness. Cherry's eyes widened in alarm as she realized what Billy was insinuating. Fucker. Neil's gaze flickered between his children, realization dawning on his face. "Cherrilyn, is this true?" he asked, his voice stern and demanding. Cherry's mind raced as she struggled to come up with a response. She opened her mouth to speak, but Billy cut her off. "She's lying, Dad. I know where those really came from," he declared, a smirk playing on his lips.

For once, rather than being the target at home, maybe Billy could redeem himself? Neil's eyes narrowed as he turned to Cherry, waiting for an explanation. Cherry felt a surge of panic coursing through her veins, a frown instantly forming on her pail face. She knew she had been caught in a lie, and there was no way out of it now. She gulped, "Daddy, please, i'm s-sorry," she stuttered. Billy's smirk widened, a smug look of satisfaction on his face as he turned to his father. "I told you, Dad. You can't trust her," he said, his voice dripping with vindication.

As Neil's disappointment settled over the room, Cherry felt a sinking feeling in her chest. She had let her father down, and now there was no turning back. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Daddy, please, I'm sorry," she stuttered, her words barely audible above the tension in the air. Neil's gaze shifted to his son, his brow furrowing with concern. "Who are they from?" he asked, his tone firm. Billy wasted no time in providing an answer. "Steve Harrington," he replied, his voice laced with disdain.

Neil's expression darkened further as he absorbed this information. "Who is this boy?" he asked, turning his attention to Cherry. Billy didn't hesitate to jump in, "He's in my grade. Just another arrogant jerk from school, Dad. Thinks he's better than everyone else," Billy asserted, his tone dripping with disdain. "And he's trouble, always starting stuff wherever he goes." Cherry's heart sank as she listened to Billy's words, knowing that he was painting an unfair picture of Steve.

As Cherry's lip started to tremble, tears pooled in her blue eyes. "Daddy, that's not true!" she interjected, her voice quivering with emotion. She couldn't bear to hear Billy speak about Steve in such a negative light, especially when she knew it wasn't true. But Billy continued, his determination unyielding. "Cherry, you know I wouldn't lie about this. I just want what's best for you. And, Steve Harrington is bad news. I won't stand by and let you get mixed up with someone like him," he insisted, his tone firm.

Cherry opened her mouth to defend him once again, but Billy went on. "He's a dick who-" Seeing the tear's slide down his daughter's cheeks, Neil held up a hand to silence his son. "Enough, Billy," he said firmly, his gaze shifting back to Cherry. "I don't want you associating with this boy anymore. Do you understand?" Cherry nodded silently, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment swirling within her. Cherry watched silently as her father took the flowers from the counter and handed them to Billy, "Get rid of these."

Billy nodded curtly in response to their father's command. "Yes, sir," he said, his tone respectful but tinged with a hint of satisfaction. Cherry couldn't help but feel a pang of betrayal as she watched him accept the flowers, knowing that he had played a role in this. As Billy turned to leave the room, Cherry's gaze lingered on the flowers in his hand. She let out a frustrated groan as she turned on her herls and stormed out of the kitchen, her footsteps echoing loudly against the hardwood floors of the small home.

With hot tears streaming down her cheeks, she quickly made her way up the stairs and to her bedroom. Max looked up in surprise as Cherry burst into the room, her eyes red and glossy. "Cherry, what happened?" she asked, concern etched on her face. But Cherry brushed past her without a word, heading straight for the bed. "I'm tired," Cherry muttered, her voice choked with emotion. She climbed onto the mattress and curled up into a ball, tears continuing to fall silently down her cheeks.

Max watched helplessly as her sister cried, unsure of what to do or say to comfort her. If anything, Cherry was the positive one out of the bunch of siblings, so it was rare to see her cry about something other then the occasional beating from Neil. Turning off the lights, Max tentatively reached out and placed an awkward hand on her sister's shoulder, offering what little comfort she could. With time, Cherry's tears began to subside, her sobs fading into soft sniffles.

As Max drifted off to sleep beside her, Cherry lay awake, her mind swirling with thoughts of poor Steve Harrington and her cruel family. Still choked up, she hugged herself, tracing shapes against her own cool skin. Steve would know how to make her feel better. She longed to be with him, to see what he might be doing. Was he watching TV, lost in the flickering glow of his screen? Or perhaps he was already asleep, his brain quiet. Maybe he was thinking of her, his mind drifting to her in the quiet of the night.

Cherry couldn't help but wonder if he missed her too. With a heavy sigh, Cherry closed her puffy eyes, groaning when she realized she still had her same clothes and makeup on. She'd deal with it tomorrow. Attempting to shut off her brain, Cherry turned over, beginning to count sheep in her head. She'd reached 2045 sheep without even the slightest of yawns in sight. With a heavy heart, she turned yet again. If they couldn't accept Steve, then she would simply have to keep him a secret. It was the only option she had.

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