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As the two girls sat down in the cafeteria, Cherry leant in eagerly toward Robin, "So, what did Steve say after I left the party?" Robin's eyes widened, her expression suddenly tense

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As the two girls sat down in the cafeteria, Cherry leant in eagerly toward Robin, "So, what did Steve say after I left the party?" Robin's eyes widened, her expression suddenly tense. "Steve? You mean Steve Harrington?" Cherry nodded, excitedly awaiting an answer. Robin quickly shook her head, "No, no, Cherry, you don't understand. You don't want Steve Harrington," Cherry furrowed her brows, laughing slightly confused on why Robin shut her down so fast, "No, but I do," Maybe her friend was trying to joke.

But, Robin's expression persisted, "No seriously, Cherry, you don't want him." "But, why not?" Robin sighed, "Because he's an asshole. All he cares about is sex. He just uses girls." She paused, her eyes scanning the cafeteria before continuing, "You'll just end up getting hurt," Cherry's confusion deepened as Robin's words sank in. "But... H-He seemed nice," she murmured, her gaze drifting to find Steve in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, she hadn't seen him since the party.

Robin placed a comforting hand on Cherry's arm, "I know it's hard to believe, but Steve Harrington's not just a pretty face, okay?" Robin's expression turned grave as she leaned in closer to Cherry, her voice dropping to a whisper. "He's a spawn of Satan." Cherry's eyes widened at the dramatic comparison, her heart sinking. "But why?" she whispered. Robin shook her head solemnly as she pursed her lips. "Who knows? Maybe he just needs a good cry. All I know is, you don't want to be caught in his trap. Trust me, I've seen it firsthand."

Cherry swallowed hard, the image of Steve's smile now tainted by Robin's warning. "I don't know, I just wish I knew for sure," she admitted quietly. Robin nodded sympathetically. "I get it, boys are hot... But sometimes it's better to just... stay away," Robin stuck her fork into her cafeteria food, moving it around slightly as she slurped on her juice box. "Just, tread carefully, okay? Tread carefully." Cherry nodded, her appetite suddenly gone as she pushed her own food around on her tray. "I will," she promised, though uncertainty roamed her brain.

Robin offered her a small smile, diverting her attention to her lunch. Cherry managed a weak smile in return, eyeing her own lunch with disgust. The two girls sat in silence for a moment, the chatter of the cafeteria fading into the background of Cherry's thoughts. Her mind raced with questions. Was Steve Harrington really not who he seemed? She couldn't help but replay their interactions at the party, searching for any signs of manipulation in his actions or words. However, Cherry found none.

Steve had been nice to Cherry, almost too nice for what Robin was describing. Was it possible that maybe Robin had misjudged him? Or perhaps she was being stupid. Maybe there was more to Steve Harrington than met the eye.  Sighing, Cherry pushed aside her half-eaten lunch and focused on then truth. So, what if Steve Harrington was a spawn of the devil? Perhaps Cherry could be the one to fix him? Lost in her own head, she barely noticed Robin continuing to eat her lunch in silence.

After a few more minutes, Robin finally broke the tension with a hesitant sigh. "Look, Cherry, I know this sounds like I'm overreacting, but I just don't want to see you get hurt," she confessed, her gaze softening with genuine concern.  Cherry nodded slowly, "I appreciate your concern, Robin. Really, I do," she murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I just, I don't know." Robin sighed, shaking her head in frustration. "See? He's got you wrapped around his finger already," Cherry rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. I am not," she retorted.

Robin went on, "Look, Cherry, I'm telling you, he's bad news. You don't want to get involved with someone like him," she insisted, her tone pleading. Cherry chewed on her lower lip, "But what if he's not like that?" she countered, her voice barely above a whisper. Robin's expression softened, sympathy flickering in her eyes. "Oh, honey, he is. You just haven't met the real Steve Harrington yet," Cherry nodded slowly and with that, the two girls lapsed into a companionable silence, their lunch forgotten as they sat.

Later on, Cherry trudged through the school parking lot, her mind still consumed by the conversation she'd had with Robin previously. As she approached her brother Billy's car, she noticed him leaning against it, a girl by his side, laughter dancing between them. Cherry groaned as she walked on. Forcing a smile as she waved, "Hey," The girl looked her up and down, ignoring her and looking away. "So, your sister coming or what?" She asked, looking around. Cherry squinted, trying to look for Max in the distance.

Billy rolled his eyes, pushing himself off his spot on the car. "Screw it. That little shit can skate home," he muttered under his breath, shooting Cherry a cold glare as she crossed her arms, "Billy," "And don't call her that," he added, his tone sharp. The blonde raised an eyebrow, confusion flickering across her face. "What?" she asked, glancing between Cherry and Billy. Billy shook his head, a scowl etched on his face. "Sister. She's not my sister," he stated bluntly, his words dripping with disdain. Cherry's heart clenched at Billy's harsh words.

"Why are you acting like this?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly. Billy's expression softened for a moment before hardening again. "Just go home, Cher. Okay?" he said, turning away from her and returning his attention to the girl beside him. The two made their way into his car, Cherry still standing there in the road. Feeling a mix of confusion and frustration, she knew Billy hadn't meant what he said in the car a few nights ago. Maybe if he hadn't been drunk, he would've remember. Cherry sighed heavily, feeling the weight of her stuffed backpack pulling her down.

"There goes my ride," She glanced around, realizing that she and Max would both be walking home tonight. With a shrug, she adjusted her backpack and made her way towards Max's school, scanning the area for her sister. Spotting the redhead waiting nearby, she quickened her pace to join her. Spotting Cherry, Max furrowed her eyebrows. "Where's Billy?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. Cherry sighed, shaking her head. "Long story. Looks like we're walking home tonight," "Of course we are,"

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