[The tunnels]

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The hub now drenched in oil, Steve looked to the group, his expression serious as he dug in his pockets for his lighter

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The hub now drenched in oil, Steve looked to the group, his expression serious as he dug in his pockets for his lighter. "You ready?" "Yeah," Mike replied firmly. "Ready," Lucas affirmed, Max, repeating his words. "Ready," Cherry nodded, ready to leave this place despite her evident fear. "Light her up," Dustin replied, his voice tinged with determination as he took in his surroundings one last time. Steve sighed as he flipped open his lighter, a sense of resignation washing over him. "I am in such deep shit." He threw his lighter as far as he could, the small explosion catching.

"Go, go, go!" He urged, pushing them forward to run. The kids shrieked in exhilaration as they started to run, Steve continuing to yell out instructions amidst the chaos. "Let's go, let's go!" Cherry's heart pounded in her ears as she ran, the flames licking at her Converse heels. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God," she repeated, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tripped over the strange root-like branches wrapped around the tunnel. As Cherry ran, her foot caught once again on one of the root-like branches, sending her tumbling to the ground.

"Max!" She cried out as she fell, her hands reaching out instinctively to break her fall. However, the roots gripped her arms, pulling her even further to the ground. Meanwhile, Mike, sprinting just behind her, was unable to stop in time, tripping over Cherry's prone form and crashing down beside her. "Max! Help! Help!" Cherry's cries echoed through the tunnel as the roots began to wrap over the two, ensnaring them in their grasp. "Help! Help!" Mike continued to yell, his panic rising as he watched the color begin to drain from Cherry's grip.

"Hold on!" Steve's voice called out from afar, his footsteps echoing as he ran back. "Steve, pull them out!" Dustin shouted, his voice tinged with worry as both Mike and Cherry kicked and pulled to be released. Cherry felt the roots tightening around her throat, constricting her breath as she tried to scream. Unlike Mike, who was trapped from the waist down, she felt the suffocating grip closing in around her neck. "Come on, come on!" Dustin urged, his voice strained with effort as he tried to pry the roots away from Cherry and Mike.

As the group rushed to their aid, Cherry's panic escalated. The roots seemed to coil tighter around her throat with each passing second, making it increasingly difficult for her to steal a breath. She pulled on the roots, her wrapped-up hands pulling at the tangled mass, desperation driving her movements as she fought against the suffocating grip. Cherry's vision blurred as she gasped for air, her struggles growing weaker with each passing moment. The fear of being trapped underground consumed her thoughts, fueling her kicking to break free and escape the encroaching darkness.

Steve swung his bat with all his might, each strike aimed at breaking the hold of the relentless roots. With each blow, the roots loosened slightly, offering a glimmer of hope to the group surrounding the pair. Through the haze of panic, Steve caught sight of Cherry's desperate struggle. He swung his bat even harder, focusing all his strength on breaking the hold of the roots. Finally, the roots were loose enough for Steve to pry them away from Cherry's throat. Mike quickly scrambled to his feet and started heading toward the exit. Steve quickly knelt to Cherry's side, his hands trembling with urgency as he tried to help her sit up.

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