☆ Introduction

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In the glittering world of Bollywood, where fame and fortune intertwine like the threads of a grand tapestry, there exists a constellation of dreams. Among them, a lone star flickers hesitantly, struggling to outshine the dazzling luminaries that dominate the sky.

Meet Akshara Singhania, a talented yet overlooked actress who has spent seven years chasing shadows in the ruthless world of Indian cinema. Her name remains a mere whisper in the corridors of stardom, her aspirations weighed down by countless auditions and dashed hopes.

But fate has a curious way of orchestrating encounters, and Akshara's journey takes an unexpected turn when she lands a minor role in a movie poised for greatness. It is here, on the set of "Waqt," that her path crosses with that of Abhimanyu Birla, a celebrity among celebrities whose charm and charisma seem to command the very essence of stardom.

Abhimanyu's world is one of glitz and glamour, yet beneath the surface lies a yearning for something more profound. And each time he encounters Akshara, with tear-stained eyes and a soul burdened by unspoken sorrows, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her.

Soon the lines between reel and real blur, and Akshara finds herself navigating a delicate dance of emotions, torn between her desire for recognition and the fear of losing herself in the relentless pursuit of fame. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu grapples with his own thoughts, consumed by the enigmatic presence of a woman whose essence seems to linger long after she's gone.

Akshara and Abhimanyu are poised to discover the true meaning of the elusive nature of love. But as the spotlight shines ever brighter and the shadows of the past loom large, they must confront their deepest fears and embrace the fleeting beauty of the present moment.

Will Akshara finally seize her moment to shine and carve her name into the annals of cinematic history? And will Abhimanyu unravel the mysteries of his heart and unlock the secrets that bind him to a woman he cannot forget?

Only time will tell in this captivating tale of love, ambition, and the timeless allure of the silver screen.


Hello lovely readers 💙,

How have you all been so far? I am quite excited to write this story, hope you all liked the description and are looking forward to it. This is not an original work of mine as I took most of my inspiration for this story from a famous Korean short Manhwa (comic).

I hope you like this desi-fied version with Harshali as leads. Stay tuned for the first chapter, will be back soon.

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