◉ Chapter 5

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"Reader discretion is advised as this chapter explores themes of suicidal thoughts and actions, which may be distressing or triggering to some individuals."


Simran dashed towards Akshara, her pace faltering as she caught sight of Abhimanyu standing there.

"Hello," Abhimanyu greeted, causing Simran to be shocked out of her wits, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. But she quickly composed herself, offering a professional smile. "Hello, Abhimanyu sir. I am Akshara's manager. I would love to speak to you a bit longer, but since Akshara has to go back to her shoot..."

"Ah, yes..." Abhimanyu replied nonchalantly as Simran grabbed Akshara's arm while informing her "Akshu, let's go quickly. Director Shah is already back, and everyone is waiting for you."

"What? Oh my... then let's go quickly... see you again, sir," Akshara said as they hurried off.

While running, Simran couldn't help but ask, "What were you two talking about?" to which Akshara replied, "Nothing much..."

As Abhimanyu watched the two chaotic women disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but think, "Akshara Singhania... so she really is the girl from that time huh.....this makes it my third time then, to be running into her" his lips ever so slightly curved up.

 "But every time I see her, she's always crying though..." he further added to himself.


The atmosphere at the shooting location was tense as Akshara approached Director Shah, her head hung low with shame. "I apologize for the wait, Director Shah," she murmured softly, her voice laced with remorse.

"You still have the cheek to say that. Why even bother? You should have just shown up after the pack-up," Director Shah retorted, his annoyance evident in his tone.

As Akshara apologized profusely, her mind raced with self-reproach. "I can't believe I kept the director waiting. Even amateurs don't make mistakes like this," she thought, her inner turmoil palpable.

"So, I hear you have been working in this industry for 7 years. Is that why you are acting so arrogant? Since you have got 7 years under your belt?.... Now that you are a veteran of 7 years, you think it's okay for you to rest when the director is out first, waiting?" Director Shah's words stung, his jab aimed directly at Akshara, causing her to flinch.

The rest of the crew, including Simran, looked uncomfortable by the exchange. "There he goes again..." muttered one of them, their unease apparent.

"No... no, sir, that's not it..." Akshara attempted to defend herself but was swiftly cut off by Director Shah's callous remark. "No wonder you are a struggling actress even after all these years," he remarked casually, his words a harsh blow to Akshara's confidence.

As the director continued his rant, Akshara retreated into her own thoughts, grappling with feelings of inadequacy. "I want to tell him this is my first time being late to my shoot, that I don't make this many mistakes during a shoot or that I have no idea why I am like this today, but unless I master this role......they are nothing but poor excuses," she pondered, her inner turmoil swirling.

"There are many like you, those who think they are somebody because they have been in this field for some years... those kind..." Director Shah rambled on, reaching for a cigarette. However, his attempt to smoke was abruptly halted as a hand lightly snatched it away from him, further fueling his irritation.

 "Who the...?" Avdesh started, but his voice trailed off as he met Abhimanyu's indifferent gaze, halting his cursing abruptly.

Amidst the tension, Abhimanyu's voice sliced through the air like a calm breeze, interrupting the director's tirade. "Why are you taking out your stress and frustration on somebody else, Avdesh? Just drop that Rohit guy and bring back Vikrant, if you're feeling so out of it," he suggested smoothly.

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