◉ Chapter 6

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"Reader discretion is advised as this chapter explores themes of suicidal actions, which may be distressing or triggering to some individuals."


The atmosphere on set is heavy with anticipation, each member of the crew holding their breath as they await the pivotal moment. The director's eyes were fixed on the monitor with an intensity that mirrors the gravity of the scene. 

While Abhimanyu stood in solemn silence, his gaze fixed ahead, his focus unwavering on Akshara, who now stood at the centre of all the attention.

"Standby! And action."

With the cue, Akshara, embodying Sia's emotional turmoil, steps forward barefoot, her movements slow and deliberate as she traverses the desolate expanse of the shoreline. The backdrop of the setting sun casts an eerie glow, serving as a haunting metaphor for the relentless anguish weighing heavily upon her.

As she wades deeper into the sea, voices echo in her mind, each one a haunting reminder of her struggles and failures. "No wonder you are a struggling actress even after all these years," the words linger like a bitter taste in her mouth. "Isn't seven years of no fame enough? Aren't you even fed up?" The relentless barrage of criticism and doubt threatens to consume her as she continues her solitary journey into the depths.

"You just need to do what you are told," the voice drones on, suffocating her with its authority. "You are hopeless," another voice sneers, its venom seeping into her very being. "There are numerous people who are as talented as you, and they also have connections to boost it," the words ring with a cruel truth, amplifying her sense of inadequacy and despair.

Amidst the cacophony of voices, a solitary whisper cuts through the darkness like a knife to the heart. "Akshu... your... your parents... they are... no more." Tears stream down Akshara's face, her eyes vacant and devoid of emotion as she continues her relentless march into the unforgiving embrace of the sea. The water rises steadily, enveloping her in its icy embrace, the level now reaching her chest, yet she presses on, driven by an incomprehensible force, her heart heavy with grief and resignation.


A sense of bewilderment and astonishment lingered in the air, as Akshara seamlessly embodied and inhabited the essence of Sia, shocking everyone present, with her haunting portrayal. 

With vacant eyes reflecting depths of emotion and tears that spoke volumes, her haunting presence held the onlookers, mainly consisting - the crew members, the director, and Abhimanyu spellbound, each unable to avert their gaze from her captivating portrayal.

"That doesn't look like someone who made numerous mistakes..." Abhimanyu remarks, his words a mock response toward the stark contrast of the director's prior criticism.

Avdesh, though surprised, remained stoic, unwilling to admit defeat just yet. "It's too soon to tell," he replies, his unwillingness evident in his tone.

Abhimanyu's dissatisfaction is palpable as he retorts, "You are too stubborn."

Yet, despite their conversation, Abhimanyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease creeping over him. "But anyhow... is she... just acting? It seems too real..." he muses, his concern growing as he peers into Akshara's dark, vacant eyes on the monitor screen.

As the director calls "cut" and declares it a wrap, relief washes over the crew, but Simran's anxiety only deepens as she watches Akshara's figure starting to disappear into the sea. With concern gripping her, she calls out, "Akshu..." her voice filled with urgency, reaching out to her friend.

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