beastly ben

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The boys continued searching around the forest, calling out to Ben. Anthony did hear the sounds of low growls, but couldn't find the source.

"Boy, something stinks. And it wasn't me this time!" Shouted Dude. Suddenly the group was startled by a man beast jumping from the trees and roaring at them. Dude went running away while the group jumped back when the beast tried to slash at them with it's paws.

The beast slung at Hook but was pushed away but Anthony, tripping it over the fallen tree. He thought this creature was weird. Well, first he thought this is how he would die—but then he found this beast weird, the main reason because it was wearing... clothes?

The beast got back on its legs and roared loudly at them before trying to tackle them. Jay pulled Hook and Anthony out of the way and let the beast fall onto a ground.

"You need some serious nose adjustments." Hook said, staring at the beast as he climbed the mound in front of them. It roar once more as the three former VKs stared at the beast. The beast dressed in a blue get-up. It clicked in their minds that this wasn't a random wild beast, it was Ben.

"I'm not so sure." Jay said, looking over at Carlos and Anthony. Carlos looks at Ben and inches closer carefully.

"Ben?" Carlos calls. "Did Audrey do that?"

"I knew I recognized those pants." Jay says. The beast look down at it's paw and growled at it.

"Aw, he's got a boo-boo, that's why he's so cranky. You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain well at all." Gil says loudly. The beast only stared at Gil and growled menacingly.

"You're good with animals, do something!" Anthony ushers Carlos. Carlos looks at him bewildered but accepts.

"Okay. Alright." Carlos carefully climbs the mound to be at level with beast Ben. "Okay, Ben. It's me. Carlos. Alright?"

Carlos hoped Ben understood and tried to get closer, but Ben swung at him, almost getting him.

"Whoa! Ben, Ben, it's Carlos. Alright? You know me." Carlos exclaimed, he inches closer and spoke to him softly, "You helped me once. Remember with Dude? Right? Let me help you. Come on, let me see your hand." Beast Ben showed Carlos his paw which had a large pick of wood stick to it.

"There you go. Alright. Atta boy--uh, beast--king, whatever. Oh, yeah, it's a big one." Carlos stutters as he takes hold of the paw. "I'm gonna count, alright? One. Two.. " Carlos pulled out the splinter, Ben roar in pain. "There it is! You did it!"

Suddenly beast Ben was bring sprayed with water. The group watched at Ben was turning back to his normal self, all thanks to Jane. Carlos ran up to Jane and that blurted stuff out before embracing. Jay helped Ben down from the mound. They sat him down carefully.

"Oh, that was... funky." Ben says.

"Was. Is." Anthony pointed at the face hair and unusual fangs still there. Ben felt at his face to feel the scratchiness and sharpness of his teeth.

"Huh? Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah." Ben laughs with Jay and Anthony.

"You need another blast!" Jane says and without warning, sprays Ben in the face. Not only did the water not wash away the facial hair and fangs, but now he was just more wet.

"Please. Stop." Ben says, spitting out the water that went into his mouth.

"Huh. It's Enchanted Lake water, but I guess it can only do so much." Jane says.

"God, doesn't this mean I'm gonna stay like this from now on?" Ben asks, feeling his face and wiping away the water.

"Think of the bright side, Ben. Chicks love guys with facial hair." Anthony jokes, Ben cracks a grin and laughs along.

"Well, well, well." Harry struts over to Jane and leans over. "Harry Hook, and you, my little duckling, are... ravishing." Harry flirts with Jane, whom was pulled into Carlos' side. Everyone stared at the awkwardness.

"Alright, Fabio. Keep it in your pants." Anthony calls out to Harry.

"Hold on. Whose side are they on?" Ben points to Gil and Harry. Jay pats Ben's back and smiles.

"They escaped and joined us." Jay says.

"Mal has the ember, which is our only hope to stop Audrey, details to follow." Anthony informs.

"Hades' ember? Has Mal gone back to the Isle?" Ben asks. Cori is not gonna be happy to hear that.

" 'Details to follow,' we're meeting up Mal, Evie and Uma, let's go." Jay says.

"Uma?!" Ben exclaims in shock.

"Details to follow." Everyone says. Jay pushes Ben to walk and bumps him in Harry who smirks.

"Girls ain't the only ones to like facial hair." Was all Harry says before pushing Ben to walk forward.

Anthony follows behind everyone.

One king down, one queen to go... He thought to himself. If Ben was turned to a beast, what has happened to Cori? Where is Cori?

Perfection~ MAL* BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now