once upon a dream

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Cori laid in a field of daisies with Mal laying beside her. They stared at each other, taking in their features. Cori stared into the green eyes she loved so much. Mal touched her face gently and smiles.

"You came into my life like a star
And filled my heart with joy
You took my pain as if it was yours
And gave me love that no one could.
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
You were my pillar when I was falling
You were my strength when I felt low
With your smile, you made my living on earth worthwhile."

Mal recited. Cori smiles brightly and sits up.

"Where did you get that from?"

"I've been reading a few poetry books I found in the library. I thought they were cheesy but thought you might enjoy them." Mal says teasing. Cori poked for side in retaliation.

"I am not cheesy!" Cori exclaims but never relenting on her poking. Mal laughed uncontrollably at the tickling feeling and pushed Cori's hands away.

"Alright—hahaha— alright, I take it b-back!" Mal exclaims. Cori stopped her attacks and smiled down at Mal.

"This is a perfect day, I just wish they never end." Cori mutters softly. Mal places her hand on Cori's cheek gently and caresses her.

"But this isn't real." Mal says softly. Cori looks at her in confusion.


"This is just a dream, everything is all in your mind because of the sleeping curse. None of this is real." Mal confesses, sitting up.

"Sleeping curse...?" Cori questioned.

"You've been in here too long. You're starting to forget your real life." Mal says, placing a gentle kiss on Cori's forehead. Cori stays stunned. "Don't you remember the sleeping curse, and the one to place you on it."

Cori thought hard until the realization struck her.

Of course! Audrey, the scepter, it's all coming back. This was all just a illusion due to the curse. This isn't her Mal. Illusion Mal smiled and gently reached for Cori's face to have her look at her in the eyes.

"Don't worry. Everything you see here is your dream world. A safe kingdom, a child of your own, and me."

Cori immediately pushed Illusion Mal's hands away from her.

"But you're not Mal-- the real Mal, that is. You're the Mal I want you to become?"

"No, Cori. I'm not the Mal you want be to become, I'm the Mal you love. The Mal that loves you in return and would do anything to keep you out of harm's way. The Mal that will rule by your side." Illusion Mal said, taking Cori's hands close to her chest, over her heart. "Can you feel that? My heart, Mal's heart, it beats only for you."

"Where am I?"

"In a dream, but not quite fully."

"What?" Cori asked with confusion.

"This is eternal slumber. One that you'll never be released from."


Audrey looks down at her sleeping beauty, watching Cori's unconscious self twitch as if she was having a bad dream. Audrey smiled at her and stroked her hair.

"Don't worry, once I take down Mal, you and I can be together. Our very own happily ever after, just as I deserve." Audrey whispers in the sleeping girl's ear. She steps back to admire Cori for a bit before turning away to check on Mal from the crystal ball.

Chad crept out from his little corner while Audrey was kept distracted. He checked on Cori to make sure Audrey hadn't caused any further damage. He sighed in relief when he found no bad signs of harm.

But the pang in his chest still worried. He  slid his hand into hers and held it tight. He jumped slightly when Cori's hand squeezed him before going completely still.

Chad inched close to whisper in her ear.

"Cori? Can you hear me?" No response. No twitch of the hand, no nod or sign of verbal response. Maybe she can't hear me at all. Chad thought. Maybe she doesn't know what is happening around her right now. She might not even wake...

He wept to himself. Cori might never wake up. If Audrey finishes Mal for good, there will be no one to wake up Cori. She'll be trapped in sleep forever. Chad couldn't contain his sobs.

Audrey had turned around and chucked a glass bowl towards him. When it missed him, Audrey screamed at him to get back to him corner and away from Cori.

Chad hurried away. He didn't want to leave Cori, even if she wasn't aware he was there. He continued his sobbing, but eventually he had to stop. He had to calm down, and take a moment to plan.

Plan a way out of this place.

Plan a way to help Mal and the others so how.

Plan to get the scepter away from Audrey.

Plan a way to rescue his sister.


Perfection~ MAL* BOOK 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt