happily ever after

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Comment any errors I've missed.

Cori took hold of Mal's hand, feeling how anxious she was. Mal only squeezed it in return and gave her love a beautiful smile. Cori planted a gentle kiss on Mal's lips and held her tight.

"Your Majesty, Lady Mal, they are ready for you." Said one of the organizers that Cori had hired to help Evie and Anthony plan their engagement party.

"Ready?" Cori asks Mal. Mal took a deep breath in, and for once, was able to truly breathe in relief. She smiles and stares into her love's beautiful eyes.



Mal's never loved the color blue more than she did at this moment.

Cori's opened her eyes, carefully adjusting to the light in the room. She was in a haze for a moment before finally being able to focus on Mal's lovely green eyes.

Mal cried in relief before smothering her fiancée with kisses.

Everyone surrounded the couple to make sure Cori was well. Cinderella sat on the other side of the bed and smiled happily at her now awake daughter.

"What did I miss?" Cori asks, her voice a bit scratchy from going without use for nearly two days. Chad handed his sister a glass of water, carefully to avoid her gaze. He felt ashamed that their last conversation was a fight and he was being an ass, now he felt he didn't deserve to look at her.

"Audrey sorta took over and cursed everyone in Auradon," Anthony informs. Cori's eyes wide, remembering now what had happened before she was cursed. "Everyone's fine now, don't worry."

"That's good, good... Where is Audrey now?"

"She's in her room, the guards are keeping an eye on her until we can decide what to do with her."

At Kit's comment, Hades scoffs in disbelief and mutters a sarcastic 'Please...'

"What's the problem now, campfire?" Etta asks at her 'technically-father-but-not-really' father.

"You're gonna 'deal with her', huh? What? A slap on the wrist and detention?"

"Dad, this really isn't -"

"Dad?" Mal whirled her head back to look at Cori who now carried a shocked expression of this new information.

"I swear, I would have told you eventually-"

"That makes so much sense!" Cori exclaims.


"I mean-- no offense babe, but you do have this short and hot temper, not to mention you're a bit rash in decision making. I mean, you did run back to the Isle just a few years ago. That couldn't have all come from Maleficent." If a faint grumble from the blue haired God was heard merely by the mention of his ex, no one paid any mind to it.

Mal lowered her head to look at her hands. Cori just smiles and interlaced her hand with Mal's to get her attention. "If we're spilling secrets, I should probably tell you that... I was the one that finished your last strawberry tarts, not Dude. Not my proudest moments and I'm sorry for eating it and telling you that Dude did it."

Perfection~ MAL* BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now