cake thieves

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That day at Evie's castle in her workshop, Mal talked with Evie about the queen's crown and the scepter stolen from the museum. Mal confided in her best friend about all the problem happening and in need of advice.

"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Evie asked Mal.

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures." Mal told Evie. Mal was stressed as she was before the cotillion, especially now that she was going to be queen and the incident with Hades. She knew she had her friends and her fiancee at her side, but still it was nerve-wracking.

"Will this delay our bringing over more V.K.'s?" Evie asked seriously. Evie prayed it wouldn't, she wanted more kids to come to the Isle no matter the cost or problem.

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good." Mal confessed.

"But you said no."  Evie said with a "obviously' tone in her voice. Mal's silence was not a good answer for her. "I mean, the five of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?"

"Yeah. I know." Mal sat down across from Evie. "I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon." Mal listed.

"Is that what they're thinking? And were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in or out of the Isle ever again?" Evie asked in disbelief. "What, we never get to go back and see our parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted." Evie stood up from her chair.

"Yeah, I know." Mal agreed.

"M., I am so glad that you are going to be Queen." Evie took Mal's hand. "You will be a part of these conversations, you will stand up for the V.K.s. Thank you for telling me." Evie hugged Mal. When they pulled away, Evie smiled at Mal. "You're gonna be a great Queen."

Mal smiled, but was she ready to take on this huge responsibility? Who will she side with, Auradon or the Isle?


Back in Cori's castle, Anthony, Araina, and Ben joined Cori for lunch and discussed what the finally decision should be. The finally decision would come from Cori and Mal and them alone. Anthony fully disagreed with the barrier being closed forever.

"It just isn't fair to close the barrier and lock away kids that we use to be, kids that come from nothing. Along with not being allowed to go visit my mother and grandmother. Cori, please don't do this." Anthony pleaded. Araina placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I don't want to close it, but people are panicking. I can't have them think that we don't care about their safety every time we open up the barrier." Cori said.

"No one thinks that, Cori." Ben assured. "Everyone knows that you just want to give the people of the Isle a chance at a better life." Cori scoffed and looked down at her empty plate in sadness.

"Not Chad. He told me if I keep letting more and more V.K.s into Auradon, the people will hate me." Cori muttered. She felt a great sadness that her own brother, her blood, her TWIN, would say that to her in a time where she needs her family now more than ever.

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