sleeping queen

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In the cottage of where the Princess Aurora spent her childhood, Audrey watched as Mal was leaving the school to Cori's castle. Chad was on his knees beside his sleeping sister. He gently petted her hair and held back tears. There she was, in a sleep-like death, and all he remembers was the times he criticized her on her chooses.

He felt like a horrible brother. Audrey had gone too far now. To attack Cori, who never did anything to her. What was Audrey's plan for her? Audrey faced Chad and threw a bowl at his direction. He managed not to get hit or Cori to get hit. He crawled away in fear of Audrey.

"How did Mal break my spell?" Audrey asked Chad, furiously.

"I don't know." Chad confessed.

"And what is Uma doing here?" Audrey asked. She grabbed another bowl and threw it.

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no." Chad said, dodging it. Audrey walked quickly towards him the scepter pointed at him.

"Come clean, Chad. Where did they go?" Audrey demanded to know.

"I don't know. I don't know, okay? I can go check for you. How about that?" Chad asked quickly. Audrey looked down at him before petting Chad like a dog.

"Stay!" Audrey ordered. She looked at the scepter, able to see Mal through it. "It's about to get a little ugly. Now go and watch over Cori!"

Chad hurried to his feet and rushed over. "Audrey, if you don't mind me asking, why is Cori here?" Chad asked her. Audrey spun around.

"Well, I guess I'll tell you since we'll be family soon." Audrey said, with her wicked smile. She walked over, bent down and brushed Cori's hair gently. "Once I get rid of Mal, I'll wake Cori with true love's kiss and I'll be her queen. To rule by her side as her consort."

"But, Cori doesn't love you." Chad said bluntly, without thinking. Audrey's smile turned dark quickly and she threw another item at him. It hit Chad in the arm and he winced at the pain.

"She does! You will see. When I wake her, the whole world will see!" Audrey yelled and spun around to walk away. Chad looked down at Cori.

He had thousands of memories with her, so why did he only remember the worst one from two weeks ago?


"I'm glad to finally spend time with you, Chad. It's like you've disappeared since before the Cotillion." Cori said happily, taking a sip of her tea. She invited Chad to talk and spend time together, since they hasn't done that for a while. Cori was more excited about it than Chad. Chad only reached over and grabbed a cookie that was set out for them. He didn't answer back right away, so Cori continued.

"Mom wants you to visit if you can, she misses you."

"I'll go see her soon." Chad muttered, before taking a bite of the cookie.

"She'll be happy to hear." Cori gave him a toothy smile, she could barely contain the news she wanted to share. She already told her parents, Anthony, and Evie, Cori wanted Chad to join her in her happiness.

"So, how is college life?" Cori asked. Chad gave her a shrug.

"I'm taking a gap year."

"O-oh, I didn't know that..."

"Yeah, it's whatever, I guess." Chad waved off, concentrating more on his tea. "Is there a reason I'm here? We haven't had tea and cookies together since we were 12."

"I just wanted to see you, and I have a bit of news to tell you." Cori explained nervously.

"What?" Chad asked. Cori gave him a smile.

"I'm... I'm going to propose to Mal. I'm gonna ask her to marry me." Cori announced to her brother.

"You're kidding, right?" Chad asked in disbelief. Cori looked at him in confusion.

"No, why would I?"

"You can't marry her! She is a villain, daughter of Maleficent. She tried to take over Auradon."

"That's all in the past now. I love Mal, the people love Mal. She makes me happy, Chad."

"Since when is your happiness important? Oh, that's right, NEVER!"

"Chad..." Cori thought maybe Chad was still bitter about Audrey not wanting to get back together with him, but she didn't deserved to be yelled out. Cori took a deep breath. "I'm gonna to ask Mal to marry me, with or without your blessing. Though, it would make me feel a lot better knowing I have the support of my only brother."

"Well,what a shame you won't be getting it." Chad snapped sarcastically and slammed the door open, leaving Cori in a sad moment that should have been a joyous one.


Chad felt worst after the memory. He felt bad that day, but didn't have the courage to apologies. His ego got in the way.

He looked at his poor sleeping sister and made a promise to himself. He will get her to wake up, he will find Mal and bring her to Cori to kiss her awake.

But how is he going to escape Audrey?


Sorry for errors.

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