trapped in the closet

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Audrey screams at the scepter as she watches Mal and Uma get along. The rage in her body only building up more and more.

"Ugh! Think you're on the right track. We're not going anywhere." She turn around and stared at Chad who stood close to Cori. "Let's mess them up a little."

Audrey smirks. Chad only lets out a nervous laugh.

"I say we go back to my place and maybe binge-watch some TV. Huh?" Chad rambles, but he noticed the moment he opened his mouth, Audrey malicious smirk falls. The scepter started to glow and Audrey waves her hand at him, bending him to his knees. "Or maybe order some stuff online. Yeah? Yeah." Audrey draw closer to him, walked around the towards so whatever spell she was planning didn't hit Cori. "Oh. What about pizza? Huh? You don't like pizza. Salad!"

By that point, Chad was panicking. Audrey drew closer to him and pointed the scepter full at him and shot at him. He tumbled to the floor and before he can get back up, Audrey forced Chad into the closet behind him and shut it tightly. "No, no, no. Audrey. Audrey! Audrey!"

Chad yells and bangs at the door to be released. He hears Audrey laughs and retreat from the door. Chad pleads to be let out but it falls on deaf ears. He slides door onto the floor.

He feels powerless, weak. Can't even protect his sister. He could hear Audrey talk to herself and the glow of the scepter peaks through the cracks of the door. A sign that she was using magic.

A while pass before he hears Audrey scream in rage again. A sign that she once again fails in comparison to Mal.

Mal... Chad thought to himself as he leans his head against his knees and curls up. Where are you? Why haven't you found Cori? She needs you. You're the only one that can wake her up.


At Evie's starter castle, Mal and Uma worked together to remove the blocks on at the doors and window. Celia runs over to the door and turns to look at the others.

"They're back!" She exclaims. Mal was the first to run over and the rest follow. She opened the doors and rushes out, hopefully that Cori would be there.

However, Cori was nowhere in sight. Mal did, however, see Ben and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug. Everyone greeted everyone warmly.

"You okay?" Ben asks. Mal pulled away and smiled.

"Yeah. I'm a bit better now. Are you okay?"

"You know, other than the unusual amount of hair on my face and the fangs, I'm actually pretty good." Ben showed off his new teeth.

"Absolutely not." Mal jokes. She was glad Ben was alright, but in truth, she'd wished it was Cori. It kills her not knowing where her future wife was, or if she was even okay.

Ben noticed her sadness and pulled her into a hug. He didn't say anything but the hug said it all, a don't worry, we will find Cori and bring her home.

Mal pulled away and took a breather.

"Okay, so we all think that Audrey could be at Fairy Cottage. We've no idea where it is, did she take you there?"

"Every Fairy Godmother's Day." Ben answers. "Where is Fairy Godmother when you need her?"

"I wish I knew." Jane mutters before being pulled away by Carlos.

Etta ran out of the castle after checking on the little twins and Dizzy. She tackled at Anthony and tried to hold onto him, afraid of letting go. Anthony, at first, jumped in surprise but immediately hugged her back. Finally, when Etta let him go she smiled at him.

"I'm happy you're back, you have no idea that we went through. First off, Dizzy and the Smee twins are asleep and that guy other there was sleeping too until Evie gave him a kiss and woke him up. Then Mal and Uma started getting along and a bunch of boards started to board up the castle to keep us in. Also we had cake, lots of cake." Etta spoke in a single breath. Anthony only nods.

"Well, hopefully we can wake everyone and have some more cake." Anthony says. Etta nods.

"Hey Tony?"


"We're all gonna be alright, right?"

"I'll make sure of it." Anthony promises. Etta nods before hugging him again. He wraps his arms around the young girl whom he loves like a sister.

Ben walks over to Anthony and pulls him towards Doug.

"Doug and Anthony. Go with Jane. You need to find Fairy Godmother."

"They might need some more muscle, besides Anthony."

"Hey." Doug felt offended

"Well, I'll go." Gil offers.

"Yeah, actually, I would feel better."

"Yeah, actually, I'd feel better, too."


"Actually, I would, too." Doug adds

"Alright, man, let's do it! Let's go, Jane. Okay." Gil motions. Anthony looks at Etta and nods towards the castle.

"Stay inside and don't go looking for trouble."


"No trouble!" Anthony exclaims as he leaves with the group to look for Fairy Godmother. Etta is lead back into the castle by Evie.

Ben and Mal watch them leave, they the last ones outside. Just as Ben was gonna join the other inside, Mal stops him.

"Ben..." She starts and stops him from leaving.

Ben, as if he knew what she was gonna say, says "Honestly, Mal. I don't know what happened after Audrey turned me. I didn't see what she did to Cori or if Cori is still at the home office. I really wish I could give you an answer, Mal. I'm sorry."

Mal only nods and wipes away the stray tear that betrayed her by leaving her eyes. She looks at Ben and motions at him so they can go inside and come up with a plan.


Audrey walks in circles around Cori's sleeping figure, coming up with a plan of her own. She smirks to herself as she stops just next to Cori's head a leans down.

"Just a while longer and then we'll be together. Just a while longer in your sleep, my love. " Audrey says in her ear, before kissing her forehead softly. Cori, of course, didn't respond or move an inch.


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