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In the limo, they drove towards the entrance. The V.K's talked with the younger ones.

"So, as soon as we get to Auradon, you have to try ice cream." Evie suggested to Dizzy.

"And go swimming?" Dizzy asked hopefully.

"I can take you to the Enchanted Lake." Evie said. Dizzy squealed with excitement.

"I can't believe I get to live with you in your very own castle." Dizzy said, still not believing her luck. She prayed to her star every night to be in Auradon and now it was finally going to happen. Evie smiled at the girl she calls her little sister, the sister she's always wanted.

"It's just a little starter castle." Evie waved off. In the driver and passenger seat, Squirmy didn't let go off Jay's arm even when Jay was driving. Squirmy looked out of the window in terror.

"Great grip. You play sports?" Jay asked Squirmy. Behind them, Carlos and Squeaky sat together as Carlos handed him a giant reese's peanut butter cup.

"Here. Go on." Carlos said to Squeaky who was hesitant in taking it. "Trust me on this." Squeaky took a bite out of the candy and his eyes widened. He looked at Carlos before biting more and more out of it. "I know. Dig in, dig in."

Mal, Cori, and Celia sat together. Celia opened her cards for Cori to take one. Cori quickly pulled one out and hide it. Celia put her other cards away and held her hand out with her eyes closed. Cori faced her card down of Celia's hand.

"You're going to be a wise and brave Queen." Celia predicted, showing the card. Cori smiled and took the card.

"She already is." Mal said.

"See? The cards never lie." Celia told them, before holding her hand out for her payment. Cori quickly pulled out her purse and took out the first bill she saw. Celia gasped in excitement at how much the queen gave her and smiled.

Anthony looked over the schedules he had planned for the next few weeks when Etta slapped his cheek gently to get his attention. Anthony jumped since he was basically hit in the face. Etta smiled at him and pointed towards Cori.

"Is she as nice as people say she is?" Etta asked in curiosity.

"Even more." Anthony answered.

"Can I talk to her?" Etta asked hopefully. All her life she was told by her mother that she was a princess herself, so she followed up on Cori ever since. Cori was her role model for being kind and generous.

"Go ahead, she wouldn't bite." Anthony assured. Etta nods and scoots close to Mal and Cori. Cori finished talking to Celia and looked at all the other new V.K's only to find Etta looking at her.

"Hi." Cori greeted with a hand out to shake. Etta smiles and shook her hand.


"What's your name?" Cori asked. Etta, on the inside, was ready to explode on the fact that the queen was talking to her. Anthony jumped into the conversation, before Etta could. He took the opportunity to expose the name she hates.

"This is Henryetta Heart." Anthony introduced. Etta turns to look at Anthony and glared at him.

"Hey! Don't call me Henryetta. I don't care if you're important now, no one calls me Henryetta." Etta snapped. The last person to call her by her full name had been her mother and wants it to stay that way. She felt a hand on her arm. Cori smiled at her.

"It's alright. We won't call you that if you don't want to."

"Thanks." They reached the entrance of the Isle and the barrier opened. V.K's waved goodbye at them. Evie looked out the window at her old home when she saw Hades, God of the Underworld push pass people.

"It's Hades. Stop the car. He's trying to escape."

"I am a god! I don't belong here." Hades yelled, his head bursting into blue flames. Anthony, Carlos, and Jay went in to try and stop him, but Hades blasted them with his ember. Hades laughed manically.

Cori panicked. The boys were down, the kids were bit terrified and Mal and Evie were worried beyond compare. Cori had to think on her feet, literally. Cori removed one of her heels and threw it at Hades, managing to his head, but Hades didn't back down. Cori's heel had bounced of the bridge and into the water. Hades glared at the queen before blasting her with his ember. Cori was thrown back hard on the ground and in pain from being shot at.

Mal grew angry. Hades hurt her friends and her true love. She felt her eyes glow green before shifting into her dragon form. Mal flew up high. She swooped down, but Hades shot her with his ember to. The ember was too strong that Mal was being held back. She felt her magic be slipping away.


In Auradon, everyone watched the fight between Hades and Mal.

"There's your precious Queen. She can't even protect us."  Audrey yelled at everyone, making Mal seem like the bad guy.

"Okay. We're panicking. Bippiti-boppiti run." Fairy Godmother yelled. She was rushed out by guards. Everyone in Auradon panicked and ran for their lives.


Hades shot Mal again and again.

"Come on, Mal, blast him." Jay yelled encouraging. Mal let out a roar so powerful that Hades was pushed back behind the barrier. He tumbled back a few times. Everyone got up, except for Cori, who leaned against the car.

"Are you okay?" Evie asked, kneeling next to her. Cori didn't respond, only looking into the barrier at Hades. Mal swayed back and forth in the air, before shifting back on the trunk of the limo. Anthony helped Mal off and held onto her to make sure she didn't faint or anything. Evie and Carlos helped Cori open gently and made their way to Mal. Cori pulled Mal into a hug.

"Are you okay?" Cori asked Mal.

"No! He was draining all of my magic with the ember, and I felt all of my powers slipping away." Mal cried out. Cori held her close.

"You're safe. He's back where he belongs." Evie assured Mal. They watched as Hades walked away.

"Yeah, for now." Mal said.

"We should go." Jay said. Everyone got back in the limo quickly. Mal and Cori both held onto each other for dear life all the way back home.


Sorry for errors.

Perfection~ MAL* BOOK 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum