an old hag you shall be

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A/N: Hey readers who have been here since the first book. If I suddenly don't update any story for a while, don't panic because it'll just mean I'm back in school.


Mal exited the house early for Jane's party. She carried Jane's birthday present with her. A flash of lightening struck and Audrey appeared in her new evil makeover. She wore an evil look in her eyes when she saw Mal.

"I was hoping you were home." Audrey said sweetly. Mal stopped in her tracks and saw a whole new Audrey, along with the stolen crown and her mother's scepter. Mal couldn't believe it.

"Is this a joke? What are you doing with the crown and the scepter?" Mal interrogated.

"Well, I wanted them, so I took them." Audrey taunted. "And you, of all people should understand that, Mal." Audrey took the scepter and absorbed more of it's power. Mal dropped Jane's present on the table quickly.

"Wait, Audrey, stop! Don't use that." Mal warned. Audrey looked back at her.

"I thought you liked spells." Audrey mocked. Mal only thought on her feet about how to get Audrey to give the scepter back. Mal looked at it and Audrey watched it grow brighter.

"Okay, Audrey, you're better..." Mal started.

"Quiet!" Audrey commanded, turned away from Mal.

"It's not a toy. It's dangerous." Mal yelled to her.

"I want to be dangerous." Audrey spun around to step close to Mal. "My life was perfect until you stole it. And then Auradon turned its back on me." Audrey told Mal. Inside she was boiling with angry and Mal could see that. Audrey turned away and walked far from Mal. "Well, it's time for a little payback."

"Audrey, wait!" Mal called out. Audrey turned around and the scepter glowed brighter and brighter. She blasted Mal with it as Mal ducked down, but she was hit nonetheless. Audrey laughed maniacally. Mal was transformed into a hunched over old lady. Mal felt wrinkles on her face and saw them on her hands.

"You think Cori will love you now, you old hag?" Audrey asked rhetorically. "You'll pay the price of what you did and so will all of Auradon." The door to Evie's home opened and Evie, Jay, Carlos, Anthony, Celia, and Etta ran out to see what all the noise was about. They caught Audrey with the crown and the scepter. Audrey smirked at them. "So long, suckers!" She disappeared after.

Jay went to help Mal, but jumped back at the sight of old lady Mal. "Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that."

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." Old lady Mal said.

"Well, that's a shame." Carlos said.

"Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger." Mal explained slowly.

"What should we do?" Evie asked.

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter... is Hades' ember."

"Oh! Like he's just gonna hand it over, give them back to the Isle." Anthony said, not believing for once that Hades would give it up easily.

"And no one knows where his lair is." Evie said.

"I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's." Celia mentioned. "Plus, Etta can get it--" Before Celia could finish, Etta covered her friend's mouth.

"You two are coming." Mal pointed to Celia and Etta. Celia stepped back in sadness and annoyance.

"But I just got here." Celia complained.

"Mal?" Dizzy called out as she stood at the door with the twins.. Once they get a sight of Mal, Dizzy screamed in terror and the twins got closer and backed away. Evie walked forward.

"Dizzy, stay here to take care of the twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside." Evie instructed Dizzy , before looking at the others to do the same. "Guys, go get your stuff."

"Come on, boys, let's go." Celia called. Jay, Carlos, Etta, and Celia ran back in to get the things.

"How bad is it?" Mal asked Evie on her looks. Evie was know eye level of her and smiled.

"You age beautifully." Evie said, making Mal nod. "Now, let's just get you into something fabulous."


"Come on." Evie walked to the house, but stopped when she couldn't hear footsteps following. She looked back to see Mal walking slowly and walked back to her side to help.

"Oh, yeah, there we go."


"Almost there."


Inside, Etta and Celia packed a bag of things that may be needed for later. Celia looked over to Etta to see her angrily shoving stuff in her bag.

"Etta, come on. Please don't be angry with me!" Celia begged. Etta looked at her and glared.

"You almost blew my secret, Celia. How can I not be angry?" Etta said and sat down on her bed. Celia walked over and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Celia said softly, hugging Etta. Etta covered her face in her hands and sighed. How will she ever face anyone if they knew her secret?

"I just-- no one can know. No one can know that Hades is my father."


Sorry for errors.

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