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📱 Tae: oh I saw you with a boy happily walking in function, in which I'm chef guest looks like you got a good boyfriend huh?

📱 Yn: no no!!!

📱 Tae: ????

📱 Yn: he is not my boyfriend, we are good friends and he knows my brother also..

📱 Tae: oh...

📱 Yn: yes and I wanted someone as my partner for prom tonight that's why I asked him..

📱 Tae: you asked him??

📱 Yn: oh no no!! His message came itself saying he knows that there is a party in our company, then he told that if I want he can be my prom partner. So, i agreed because I know him that's why..

📱 Tae: you could have also asked me...

📱 Yn: what????

📱 Tae: see you later, someone is calling me...

He went offline...

📱 Yn: huh???

Chat ends...

Yn gron..

Yn:( arghh!! Yn you should have asked him to be your partner for at least one time, but I don't regret asking jungkook to be my partner tonight. I actually love that he is with me, well leave taehyung aside for a moment. I should enjoy the present time, I'll explain to him later hm)...

Kuru came out...

Kuru: u can go ..

Yn: yes...

Kuru: wait you looked tensed??

Yn: yeah actually...

Yn told him everything which happened between her and taehyung...

Kuru stayed silent..

Yn went to use the washroom...

Kuru slowly stands while holding the wall..

Kuru:( howwww??? On this earth it has to happen with  me?? He himself came into my life just a month ago and asked me out to be his girlfriend a day before yesterday when he took me on a date, now he is chasing yn?? I know I told him that I'll tell him my answer later, but what is going on in his mind??)..

She slowly took a deep breath...

Then, suddenly she remembered everything from past till now...

Kuru:( wait!! Is he using both of us against jungkook because of past?? Of course that's the possibility that a person like taehyung who is egoistic will apologize to me for his nature towards me in past , then propose me to be his girlfriend. He is using both of us, playing with our feelings to hurt jungkook. I have to discuss it with jungkook fastly, so that we can tell yn everything before he do something bad to yn)...

Yn come back and saw kuru standing with help of wall..

Yn; hey are you ok??

Kuru: yeah I'm fine, I'm on my periods that's why...

Yn: oh be careful, we are in party so don't let your guards down...

Kuru: hmm let's go out now..

Yn: yupp...

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