Chapter 11

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Shen Qiao clenched and unclenched his fists. Just as he swept his gaze across Lu Zhe's face, pondering which spot needed a punch the most-

Er-Hua, who sat across from him at a diagonal, suddenly spoke up and saved Lu Zhe from impending doom.

"Wolfy, do you want to queue with me?"

Shen Qiao looked over and saw that Er-Hua was wearing an exceptionally friendly smile. This person's ID was well known through the entire LPL. He was clearly a big, strong alpha, but he went by FLOWER in the game. His best champions were tough supports like Thresh, the Chain Warden; Blitzcrank, the Great Steam Golem; and Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths. He was also well-known for his foresight and his well-aimed hooks.

Lele hated facing off against him.

Shen Qiao gave the offer some thought and found no reason to decline. There was no harm in entering the rift with his future teammates and getting used to their playstyle.

Just as Shen Qiao was about to nod, Lu Zhe turned and cast a glance in Er-Hua's direction. An ever-present twinkle of mirth still lingered in his long, dark eyes as he studied Er-Hua for a moment.

Intentionally or not, Lu Zhe began to emit a faintly threatening pulse of pheromones. But he didn't show any hostility on his face. His expression remained gentle and calm, like still waters.

"Er-Hua, have you heard this saying?"

Er-Hua made an inquisitive sound.

"The farthest distance in the world isn't the distance between life and death," Lu Zhe recited, "but the distance between top laners like him and bottom laners like you."

Er-Hua fell silent.

He felt those heavy pheromones rolling towards him for no discernible reason. The scent bore down on him like a palpable weight on his shoulders, like a heavy blanket of snow on pine branches. He almost involuntarily hunched forward, and he nearly dropped the smile on his face.

Silently, he thought, What's wrong with our captain now?

Shen Qiao, who'd also heard those words, raised his eyebrows.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly thought of the omega he and Lele had randomly matched with in the rift some time ago.

He stared at Lu Zhe. A flash of suspicion crossed his eyes.

It couldn't be...

Not even Lu Zhe would pretend to be an omega, would he? And that account had been ranked too low. Shen Qiao's jungler account was in Silver because he'd only recently started trying to transition into a jungler; that was why he'd made a new account. But Lu Zhe didn't have that excuse.

Seeing as this was Lu Zhe of Team DG, if he wanted to practice on an alt, the team surely could have offered him dozens of Gold or Platinum accounts to choose from. They definitely wouldn't have offered him such a low-ranking account with such a perverted name.

Plus, that account had logged ten losses in ten matches as Lee Sin. Even if Lu Zhe just rolled his face across the keyboard, he wouldn't have gotten results that bad.


"Queue with me."

Shen Qiao's attention was pulled back to the present by that soft request. Though soft, it was clearly a request that wasn't meant to be denied.

He turned to the speaker and lifted his gaze. A ripple passed through his deep eyes, like rays of sunlight streaking across a dark sea. The corners of his lips twitched, not quite curving, and he spoke in an indescribable tone that bore an undeniable edge of provocation:

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